آشتی کردن طالبان با مردم افغانستان، راهی برای پایان جنگ…

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Two journalists killed, six wounded in Kabul double bombing

At least two journalists were killed and six others were wounded in a double suicide bombing at a sports hall in the western Kabul district of Dashte Parchi on september 5, bringing to 13 the total number of Afghan journalists killed since the start of the year.

Tolo News TV reporter Samim Faramarz and his cameraman, Ramaz Ahmadi were among the at least 25 persons killed by the two explosions, less than an hour apart, while six journalists were among the more than 70 wounded.

Three of the injured journalists work for Khorshid TV, one for TV1 and one of the others is an Associated Press cameraman. The injuries sustained by Khalad Nikzad, one of the Khorshid TV journalists, were very serious.

The media personnel were killed or injured by the second explosion, after arriving at the scene to cover the first one. This is the second time this year that reporters have been killed in a double bombing. The first was on 30 April, when the second of the two bombs deliberately targeted the journalists, killing nine and seriously injuring six others.

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has not yet been able to determine whether the journalists were deliberately targeted by yesterday’s second explosion.

Thirteen journalists killed in less than five months is the price that the Afghan media are paying to keep reporting the news despite the extremely grave decline in security conditions,” said Reza Moini, the head RSF’s Afghanistan-Iran desk.

Even if we pay tribute to the Afghan government’s commitment and involvement in the protection of journalists, it is essential that the authorities pursue their efforts on media safety and training.”

RSF offers its condolences to the victims’ families and colleagues.

RSF has produced Pashto and Persian-language versions of the new edition of its Safety Guide for Journalists, which is intended for reporters operating in troubled regions. The guide was produced in partnership with UNESCO.

Afghanistan is ranked 118th out of 180 countries in RSF’s 2018 World Press Freedom Index.