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To the President of America Donald Trump!

What to do to end the bloody war in Afghanistan??

Written by: Dr Tawoos  Wardak in London , on 5th of February 2017 .


The Afghan Mujahidin fighting since 1979 onward , because of  the intervention of the NATO specially intervention of America and the Great Britain  countries  , this war start  after (SAWAR REVOLOTION )  in 1979  , because of the Russian involvement in Afghanistan your countries start supporting the very canning  fanatic Muslim ( IKHWANIES ) meaning, Mujahidin in Islamabad by dictating on your countries  to intervene or engage  in war of Afghanistan  and defeat PDPA  party , because the USSR have plan to go to the warm sea waters , and Pakistan was afraid of the Nullification of ( Durand Line ) , for this reason the Great Britain strongly advise American president Ronald Regan to start helping fanatic Muslim Mujahidin of Afghanistan in Pakistan and inside Afghanistan specially ( Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and Ahmadshah Masood of Panjsher beside  your countries strongly support Saudi Arabia – Iran – and other Arab fanatic countries  economically  and ideologically to defeat the PDPA , the ( slogan for defeating PDPA was Islam is in danger ??)  no one knows what danger was there ?? And tell today we see the Mujahidin fighting against the Muslim ( Islamic regime of Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani ) , your parliament , your Senet also knew before that the exact aim of Mujahidin was how to get in power , how to get to become Ministers and Governors , and how to become Milliners and Milliardars ,truly they were how to  get power on their hands ,and like to day all Mujahidin are trying to keep American in Afghanistan , in my view the biggest mistake which was done by NATO countries it was in (( Bone Conference  )) where your countries brought on power the fanatic , warlords as the Ministers and prime minister and deputy of President and so on , when your countries were egger to build democratic Afghanistan , in which the wright for women have been guaranteed then why you didn’t brought the half of former communist in the regime , now the fundament  seem to me  was put wrong ,  because   Mujahidin were uneducated , they don’t had experience of governing , they were involve only in killing and destroying country , they were not accepting others Afghan to be beside them , they were  so fanatics  , they thought only of their own finance interest not for their security and stability in Afghanistan , Mujahidin himself changing their face and figure and their cloth and their flag for their own benefit not for progress and destroying or tackling poverty in Afghanistan , see to days councils and session of Mudgahiddin under the roll of Ata Mohammad NOOR and under the roll of Abdullah , Under the leadership of Sayyaf , and Younus Qanooni , these are game for their own interest , these Mujahidin one day become Taliban , one day Dahesh , one day again Mujtahid , so they just knows how to get more USD from all countries which supporting them ,let me ask you why the American didn’t put those Ministers in prison which got millions of USD in their own pocket , where the 120 milliard or 120 billion USD gone , who were those peoples which destroyed and cut weapons of the DR Najibullah regime , why your Administration not dismissing or not bringing to justice those who got those money ???  you can see their buildings  and Vilas and their wealth , Cars and Guards and weapons by which then frightening  and intimidating other  innocents Afghan , kidnaping and looting everything  the peoples got by force , no president no Governor prevent and bring stability in Afghanistan , every day Afghanistan family losing their best children’s in war in the battlefield in Helmand , In Jalal Abad , in Kunduz , In Badakhshan , in Urosgan – in Gazni – in Wardak , why president and Dr Abdullah not bothering at all , why American and the NATO commander not bothering of dying soldiers and officers , why president designated  uneducated ( Ministers , Governors , other civil servants in Afghanistan  ) , it is big shame for your countries representatives in Afghanistan ,continuation of war in Afghanistan is just an excuse for Taliban and Daesh that foreign troops or the occupant American should leave Afghanistan ???

Dear Donald Trump if you keep your word which you Saied that we should not force other countries to capture or invade  for our idea or our democracy to fallow us ,we  leave each country to choose their own way of life how to cope their way of Governing in their own countries ?? to do so please withdraw your troops From Afghanistan , and leave them how to making peace and how to bring stability in their own country , the Excuse for Taliban , for Haqany , for daesh , for Russia , for China , for Arab interveners , especially for Pakistan and Iran  should be over ??,

Dear Ronald Trump do the best what I am saying to you??

Please  Complete the need of  Afghan army forces ,  give them  around 200  new Modern  Helicopters  , around 100 , F-16-35  Fighter jet , Artillery , Modern Tanks , Engineering troops , Radar , and chemical troops , and then designate new  or give them money to buy these weapons from Russia ,  designate  please new ( minister of Defense – new minister of Internal  ministry – new Head of security and intelligent forces of Afghanistan)  , and  also absolutely fix army  high ranking officers as Governors of all provinces  to bring peace and stability and tackle  corruptions   in Afghanistan , then stay in Afghanistan as long as you want , because we will be able to  defeat our enemy all over the country  , Nationalize our miners and  our Electricity , all our wealth , under control of government  and we will order for destroying corruption in Afghanistan , this is the best choice , which one can advise your councils or your adviser ,that one will be good for Afghanistan and that will end the war in Afghanistan ,wish you all the best .