بشدار سامی

آقای "بشدار سامی" (به کُردی: بەشدار سامی)، شاعر و فتوگرافیست…

کابل آبستن یک تحول در موجی از اختلاف های درونی…

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید سرنوشت ملاهبت الله در گرو عصیان همرزمان و…

هم پیوندی

جهان با حفظ،نا همگونی ها یک کل به هم پیوند…

آن لوله های آب پا های ما نه؛ بلکه آرزو…

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید روایتی از به زنجیر کشاندن آفتابه ناوقت های شب…

هنر عشق ورزیدن....! (1)

" زیبایی عشق در این است که نه به چیزی…

آب در هاون کوبیدن یا سراغاز یک بازی جدید

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید حکم بازداشت ملاهبت الله یک بازی استخباراتی و…

فتوای خرد 

رسول پویان  برون کردم به قتوای خرد تا حلقه از گوشم  بـرای…

خوشروی بؤلسه خاتینینگ

خوشروی بؤلسه خاتینینگ ، کیفیتینگ بوزیلمس چیور بؤلسه خاتینینگ، توگمنگ اصلا…

"سوسیالیسم سلطنتی"،- فیلسوف سرنوشت و زوال

Oswald Spengler(1880- 1936) آرام بختیاری اسوالد اسپنگلر،- فیلسوف راستگرا، نیهلیست فرهنگی. اسپنگلر(1936-1880م)، فیلسوف…

قلم "نی" ایکه "ناسر" ماند

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید قلم "نی" و نشانه های بی نشانی آن آن…

در مورد ادب شفاهی  اوزبیکان افغانستان

برنامه  اوزبیکی رادیو تاشکند جمهوری اوزبیکستان در باره  کار کرد های…

پاینده باد افغانستان

میر عنایت الله سادات                                                   مدتی است که بعضی حلقات معين از…

هر وسیله‌ برای رسیدن به هدف مجاز نیست!

نور محمد غفوری در تویتر محترم امرالله صالح یک جمله را…

افغانستان و درهم تنیده گی و مد و جزر حوادث…

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید افغانستان سرزمینی کوهستانی و محاط به خشکه است که…

فتنه خوابیده

 قدم هلال شد و مایلم به ابرویش  فتاده مرغ دل من…

شیفته ی ترانه های مردم

 برنامه ی رادیو تلویزیون شهر تاشکند جمهوری اوزبیکستان در مورد کار…

گزیده‌ای از «درسگفتارهای کاپیتال» رفیق فقید جوانشیر در زندان

از نظر مارکس دو نوع بخش خصوصی وجود دارد مارکس ……

قهرمان تنهایی؛ قهرمانی از تبار قهرمانان دیگر

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید قهرمان دخت روز های تنهایی در یکی از صبحگاهان…

نوای پدران!

امین الله مفکرامینی       2025-14-01 ما شـــــما را ای فرزندان دلبنــد، پروریــــــدیم این تخـــــــم…

حاکمیت طالبان و فروپاشی ارزش ها درحامعه افغانستان

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید طالبان زخمی سرطانی بر پیکر افغانستان دردمند حاکمیت گروه…


Kabul-e-News 289 – Nawroz

26 March 2014 – Number 289

A weekly summary of good news and development news about Afghanistan with a circulation of more than 18,000 and a Facebook presence of 42,400+

Kabul-e-News is not responsible for the content of articles on any external internet sites. The views expressed are those of the authors and publishers alone. We provide a summary of news about Afghanistan which is published on the internet by a variety of news services.

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Nawroz Celebrations in

Visit this site and see some colourful photographs of thousands celebrating Nawroz (the Afghan/Persian New Year) in Mazar-e-Sharif.   More>>>

  Afghan Facebook Politics

Kabul, 26 March 2014: There is an interesting Afghan political battle taking place on Facebook.  Three key candidates in the upcoming presidential elections have discovered Facebook and taken to the social media to promote their campaigns. Ashraf Ghani, Abdullah Abdullah and Zalmai Rasoul are batting it out on this social media giant. More>>>


Afghanistan’s First Spaceman

In 1988, just as the Soviet army was preparing to pull out of Afghanistan, a rocket blasted off carrying the first and only Afghan to travel into space. Abdulahad Momand (on right in photograph) returned to earth a hero – but within three years he was forced to flee the country.  “When I was little I used to look up at the sky. Sometimes planes would appear overhead and I would think how great it would be if I could fly,” says Momand. He is remembering a childhood in Afghanistan half a century ago.More>>>

  Interview with
Abdul Qayyum Sajjadi

Abdul Qayyum Sajjadi is a scholar and politician, serving as the Member of Parliament for Ghazni province since 2005. In this interview he says: One of our fundamental problems in Afghanistan is that we have never been able to free ourselves from our traditional and tribal ideas. The Taliban-influenced ideology towards women, for example, is deeply rooted in the tribal and traditional beliefs.More>>>

  Afghanistan counts its people

KABUL: Afghanistan goes to the polls in less than three weeks’ time, but the new president will have only sketchy information about the people he governs — something that census official Murtaza Rezai hopes to help rectify. Rezai goes door-to-door in the capital Kabul, collecting answers to a survey that is the first attempt to calculate the size and makeup of Afghanistan’s population since 1979.  More>>>

  China Backs Down on
Mes Aynak Mine

The Chinese state-owned mining giant MCC has been renegotiating a huge copper contract with the Afghan government to reduce its exposure to the war-torn country in a move that threatens Kabul’s plans to use revenue generated by its mineral resources to bankroll development.  MCC has a US$3 billion deal to mine and process copper south of Kabul. The company has yet to begin production on the site and, according to mining industry and other sources, no longer wants to abide by the terms of the contract it signed in 2007.  More>>>


The English Writer Kabul

 An English writer and editor is available for a wide variety of your English writing needs. The writer has extensive experience in Afghanistan and in writing proposals, applications, reports and media releases, etc., for both foreign and local organisations.  Training in these activities can also be offered to your staff members. Charges are low.  Contact details: englishwriterkabul@gmail.com
or 079 943 1087



Join Afghanistan Cricket Board on Facebook with 195,000+ fans

Be a part of the biggest movement of young people in Afghanistan and the largest peaceful activity in the country.


  Afghanistan National Team Nominated for an International Award.

The Laureus Awards recognise celebrate the most remarkable men and women from the world of sport. Afghanistan National Cricket Team has been nominated for the “World Breakthrough of the Year” Award. It is awarded to the sportsperson or team whose performance as a newcomer suggests the greatest potential for an outstanding career and a significant step-up in class to a considerably higher level of sporting achievement. Lareus describes the team as “a remarkable success”. Winners will be announced tonight (26 March) in Kuala Lumpur.  More>>>

  We Still have Plenty to
Make us Proud

Afghan fans should be very proud of their national cricket team regardless of the lack of success in the ICC World T20 Cup 2014.  The past year has been pivotal in the development of Afghanistan cricket and the impact of the game, both locally and internationally, is huge. Fourteen years of commitment to cricket from Afghanistan Cricket Board players and officials are bearing fruit in a very visible way.  More>>>


Afghanistan Football Federation

 Come and join the Afghanistan Football Federations facebook page with more than 11,200 fans. Football needs yours support.



  Bayat Foundation Donates Textbooks to Bamyan University

Continuing to its contributions to the country’s educational and cultural sectors, the Bayat Foundation this time has donated 1,500 textbooks of different subjects to the University of Bamyan, central province of Afghanistan. The books donated to the library of Bamyan University were related to the subjects of science, social sciences, Islamic principles, medical and technology.More>>>

  Afghans Cross Border to
Study in Tajikistan

Afghanistan and Tajikistan each have a province called Badakhshan, and the two are culturally as well as geographically close. Young people from the Afghan province have been heading north to take up places at the University of Central Asia, which has a campus in Khorog, the administrative centre of Tajik Badakhshan. Seventeen Afghan women are currently attending the university, part of a group of 48 who won places for the current academic year in a fiercely competitive process.  More>>>

  Afghan Women Need More Female Judges and Prosecutors

A survey by the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) found that in 2013 women made up just over 8 percent of the country’s judges, 6 percent of prosecutors and less than one fifth of lawyers. Afghan society’s strict segregation of the sexes, combined with the shortage of female staff, means that women find it hard to report abuse or injustices because they fear and are intimidated by a justice system dominated by men. More>>>