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Documentary picture illustrated open letter to the world’s most powerful state leaders

who are involved somehow in the situation in Afghanistan.


To:  Your Excellency,

President Donald Trump Heads of the Western world, Leaders of the Countries Neighboring Afghanistan, Leaders of the nations in the region and around the globe.    

Dear Excellences, 

The people of Afghanistan attract your attention to sit listening to their laments for those who are mercilessly killed in this long decade proxy war in their country. The photos speak for themselves, no need for explanations.

The heartbreaking documentary pictures attached to this letter request for the end of the war. You as the most powerful state leaders can end this tragedy and save our people from the imposed calamity.

The letter is inspired by a photo which depicts the atrocities of the Vietnam War and its impact on the Vietnamese children who were able to escape from the devastations caused by war. I am sure the attached pictures will probably trigger you kindness to humanely step up for saving the people of Afghanistan from systematic and organized killing and annihilation.  As you may be aware the photo of Vietnam War published in the then US media, played a major role in shaping the public’s opinion against the war. It helped end the animosities and bloodshed.

Today the war torn people of Afghanistan are hopeful and are looking forward seeing your goodwill, your humanity and your conscience and moral principles.

After 17 years of heavy and fierce military presence in Afghanistan, under the pretext of fighting al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists, there have been no tangible positive outcomes in the fight against vicious circle of terror groups. Contrarily, terrorist activities did not diminish but rather it enhanced enormously the killing, maiming, disabling thousands of people. This process has increasingly been going on and intensified by passing every day. Our people and the world are witness that the rates of our people’s killings and butchering have gone up rapidly. Likewise, the processes of genocide against the innocent people of Afghanistan are being strengthened unprecedently.

It has been estimated that over 100 thousands innocent Afghans have lost their lives since the presence of foreign forces in Afghanistan.  Thousands of families have been impacted. Afghan and foreign soldiers’ parents mourn the loss of their loved ones. The mass murder and genocide continues deliberately. Every day it gets far worse than the day before.

Afghanistan is the most corrupt country in the world. Every day our natural underground resources, our national treasures, belonging to the whole people of Afghanistan, are being looted and plundered. Cultivation and production of narcotics in Afghanistan comprise 93% of the worldwide drug production, as a consequence of that about 3.5 million Afghans are being drug addicted, helplessly dependent on the nation.

Hundreds of thousands of Afghan people have escaped from Afghanistan by land or by sea. Many of them never make it to their final destination and perish in pursuit of a safe haven. Hundreds of thousands of civilians have been displaced from their usual places of residence and now live in make shift shelters and tents.

The wave of terror and organized suicide attacks, crimes against humanity, assassination of dignitaries and influential figures are masterminded and increased throughout the nation.

Despite the full control of Afghanistan’s land and air space by foreign forces, the Taliban terrorist convoys are moving and operating freely everywhere in the country.

In brief, the presence of NATO and US military and intelligence forces has proved to be disastrous for Afghanistan. It deteriorates the situation in the country by passing every day, leading to further bloodshed, destruction, insecurity, lack of safe drinking water and sanitation, causing enormous air and land devastation, deforestation and  widespread disease throughout the country.

The rise of ISIS terrorism in the country is questionable. The terrorists and their indigenous and foreign supporters are well known to our people.

Unpleasantly and from bitter experience, bitter disappointments and emotions, I present to you the images that demonstrate the pain, agony and suffering of the Afghan people. These are only a small illustration of the chaos imposed upon our innocent people, hoping that these tragic images will awaken the conscience of the international community, particularly of the members of the UN Security Council to apply their resolutions and their obligations decisively to eliminate al- Qaeda – Taliban terrorism and bring their supporters to justice inside and outside Afghanistan.

The people of Afghanistan present this petition to be considered as a plea of mercy for restoration of peace and security in Afghanistan.

The images portray the agony and scream of people in Afghanistan which deliberately has been imposed    upon them by orchestrated notorious political games being played by western, regional and Arabic state powers.


 Best regards

Sulaiman Kabir Noori

Former Afghan Diplomat






افغانستان امروز

Afghanistan today