بیاد رمان سوسیالیسم تخیلی " چه باید کرد؟ "

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Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan

  1. Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
    U.S. Department of State

    Dear Mr. Rank:

    The election is not the solution. The U.S. ethnic cleansing policy being implemented in Afghanistan is wrong and must stop.
    The 2014 presidential election will not be acceptable to the majority of Afghans and must be stopped because the eleven candidates are war criminals, war profiteers, drug traffickers, child molesters etc. such as Rashid Doshtum, Sayaf, Abdullah Abdullah, Mohammad Muhaqeq, Ahmad Zia Massoud etc. One just needs to check any human rights documentation. Many of these candidates are criminals involved in the corruption, drug trafficking and the theft of money from the Kabul Bank. In addition, all of these candidates are agents for foreign governments on their payrolls including the United States’ CIA. In the United States, our system does not allow that why should it be allowed in Afghanistan. Also, as important, the election must be stopped because the Native Afghans in the Pashtun areas, who are the majority, and Afghan Muslims in the north of Afghanistan, who have lawfully opposed the war and occupation, have not been allowed to register to vote. Therefore, they will not be able to vote. During these past thirteen years of war and occupation, Afghanistan has become a narco state and the most corrupt in the world. For these reasons, I question the legality of the implemented election procedures and proposed election itself?
    The election only in Kabul is not the solution. Fraudulent Afghanistan elections will cause more ethnic cleansing, bloodshed and further chaos. This election is not the answer to Afghanistan’s problems. For example, I have heard from an influential Afghan, Mr. Haji Sayed Daud, Director of the Afghan Media Resource Center, who is actually working in the field, that many of the provinces will not be able to participate in the election like Nuristan, Paktia, Paktika, Zabul and Nangarhar Provinces and many others. He mentioned that the Karzai government might move these provinces’ election polling places to Kabul, which just does not make sense. He told me that most Pashtuns are not being allowed to register. Excluding the majority of Afghans will only escalate the bloodshed and instability. I was also told that in the open market, voter registration cards are selling like hot cakes. There already is so much fraud. There are just too many problems with this process to hold a legitimate election. Our tax dollars will just be wasted. Right now so many areas in Afghanistan are being excluded from the election process it really will not be an election by the majority of Afghans.
    I believe putting peace negotiations with the Afghan Resistance on the back burner is a big mistake because Afghanistan can only have a legitimate government supported by the majority of Afghans if first there is true peace and reconciliation. I believe our foreign policy and military approach to Afghanistan are wrong and need to be changed. Otherwise, our government will be responsible for this chaos and bloodshed that we have created and continue to create. Again, as I have offered many times our group of educated Afghans is available to help negotiate true peace and stability in order to prevent future bloodshed . During these past 13 years, hundreds of thousands of Afghan villagers have been killed in this war and occupation of Afghanistan. These villagers were not responsible for the tragic events of 9/11. And our government knows that Afghans are not responsible. Yet our government has scapegoated them.
    You know my background. That I fought the communists and Soviets in the 1980s to free Afghanistan and stop the spread of communism. I know what war is. I have seen Afghan children’s mangled and maimed dead bodies in the villages, who were the victims of the Soviet and Afghan communists war criminals. I hate war and corruption. I want this war to end.

    To end this war, well-respected American and Afghan scholars, who are not war profiteers and not from the military think tanks, need to meet with good Department of State officials like yourself to discuss the path to true peace, which starts with genuine negotiations with the Afghan Resistance and then all Afghans. I believe this step has to be done before any elections if there is to be true peace. Otherwise, I am sad to say that it is likely that the bloodshed and instability will continue for the long term in Afghanistan, which is not beneficial to anyone except the war profiteers, China and Russia.
    See attached video
    Kadir A. Mohmand

    Cc: Mr. William G.P. Monahan, General Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee
    Mr. Abdulrahman Hotaki, Election Commission of Afghanistan

    Rethink Afghanistan- Election Fraud

    Rethink Afghanistan- Election Fraud
    http://goo.gl/xFvn Sign the Petition saying that we don’t want another dime of U.S. money spent on Afghan military forces until the Kabul government addresse…