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تحقیرارتش ترکیه به نفع اردوغان نخواهدبود

تحلیل های هوشمندانۀ بسیاری درموردکودتای نافرجام ترکیه شده است. امّاآنچه بلافاصله پس ازکودتااتفاق افتاد آیندۀ خوبی رابرای اردوغان وهواداران اش درپی نخواهدداشت. پس ازتشکیل جمهوری ترکیه، ارتش به نهادی مقدس، پشتیبان قانون اساسی سکولار، وزنندۀ حرف آخردرصحنۀ سیاسی ترکیه تبدیل شد. اگربه این عکس هانگاه کنید، خواهیددیدکه چگونه عده ای که درویدئو هاهم نشان داده شد به شیوۀ داعشی ها وجبهۀ نصرتی هاشعارالله اکبرسرمی دادند سربازان ترک را به شکلی حرفه یی شلاق می زنند. سربازهائی که اغلب می گفتندتصّور می کردند که دریک مانورنظامی شرکت کرده اند. تحقیر این سربازان درجلودوربین هایعنی تحقیر ارتش ترکیه. ارتشی که تحقیرشود وروحیۀ خودراازدست بدهد، خوب نخواهدجنگید. این می تواندآغازپایان کار اردوغان وحتاکشوری بنام ترکیه به شکل کنونی باشد.

Turkey coup attempt: Crowds confront soldiers on Bosphorus Bridge

During the failed coup in Turkey, the Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul became the scene of a confrontation between soldiers trying to overthrow the government, and a group of supporters of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The struggle for this symbolic landmark, which connects Europe and Asia, resulted in fierce fighting between the two sides.

People gather on Istanbul's Bosphorus Bridge in IstanbulImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES

A new day dawns in Istanbul, and this man’s expression, as he stands on the Bosphorus Bridge on Saturday morning, reflects the determination of many Turkish people to quash the attempted coup.

Soldiers on the Bosphorus BridgeImage copyrightREUTERS

One of the first signs to the outside world that there was unrest brewing in Turkey on Friday evening was when soldiers blocked off the Bosphorus Bridge, a vital part of the city’s network.

Soldiers on the Bosphorus BridgeImage copyrightREUTERS

Apart from being strategically important, taking control of the bridge was a significant statement of intent by the coup leaders.

Cars on the Bosphorus BridgeImage copyrightREUTERS

Cars were stranded for a time on the bridge, due to the military closing it.

President Erdogan urged people to get onto the streets in Ankara and Istanbul, to combat the coup – and many of them flocked to the bridge. The soldiers shot at them and there were some casualties.

People on the Bosporus BridgeImage copyrightREUTERS
A man approaching the military on the Bosphorus BridgeImage copyrightAFP
A man with a bloodied flagImage copyrightAFP

The crowds confronted the soldiers during the standoff, and were fired upon.

A couple sheltering by the entrance to the Bosphorus BridgeImage copyrightAFP

People took cover near the bridge’s entrance.

Police using a water cannon on the Bosphorus BridgeImage copyrightREUTERS

By dawn, the rebellion had begun to falter and police moved in with a water cannon to disperse the soldiers holding the bridge.

Soldiers surrendering on the Bosphorus BridgeImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES

Early on Saturday morning, the soldiers surrendered to police.

Discarded military equipment on the Bosphorus BridgeImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Surrendered Turkish soldiers who were involved in the coup are surrounded by people on Bosphorus bridge in Istanbul, Turkey, July 16, 2016Image copyrightREUTERS

Some of the crowds attacked the soldiers after they laid down their arms.

A man kicking soldiers on the Bosphorus BridgeImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Surrendered Turkish soldiers who were involved in the coup are beaten by a civilian on Bosphorus bridge in Istanbul, Turkey, July 16, 2016Image copyrightREUTERS
A policeman attempts to protect a group of soldiersImage copyrightREUTERS

Police attempted to stop the crowds from assaulting the surrendered men – but were not always successful.

A soldier cowering as he is confronted by a manImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
A soldier cowering as he is confronted by a manImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Soldiers getting onto a busImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES

The police took away the soldiers after their surrender.

People on the Bosporus BridgeImage copyrightREUTERS

With the coup now failed, the crowds took to the bridge in large numbers.

People climbing on a tankImage copyrightREUTERS

The people clambered onto the army’s tanks, abandoned on the Bosphorus Bridge.

People on the Bosporus BridgeImage copyrightREUTERS

The bridge was now back under control of the Turkish government – and these men were able to walk onto it and take a selfie.