نو کانتی ها،- مخالف سوسیالیسم و ماتریالیسم دیالکتیکی

neukantism.نو افلاتونی آرام بختیاری نو کانتی ها؛ نیم قرن میان مارکسیسم و…

غم دوشینه و سرنوشت نافرجام و دردناک مردم افغانستان

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید کشتی شکستگانیم ای بادشرطه برخیز  باشد که باز بینیم …

برگردان شعرهایی از ژنرال پاییز

زنده‌یاد “محمدعمر عثمان” ملقب به “ژنرال پاییز” در سال ۱۹۵۷…

خلق در دانه لری - مرواریت های ناب

قۉشیق ( دو بیتی )   داکتر فیض الله ایماق باید گفت که،…

آشتی کردن طالبان با مردم افغانستان، راهی برای پایان جنگ…

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید زهر پاشی های قومی و زبانی و توطیۀ…

 ترجمه‌ی شعرهایی از سردار قادر 

استاد "سردار قادر" (به کُردی: سه‌ردار قادر)، شاعر کُرد زبان،…


 نوشته نذیر ظفر شــــــــد مــــدتی که ورد زبانم ترانه نیست آوای مــــن…

چشم براه وحدت

            چشمم براه  وحدت  پیوند وهمد لی جانم فدای وحدت وصد ق…

دوحه سر دوحه، پروسه های پیچیده و آرمانهای خشکیده 

نوشته از بصیر دهزاد  سومین کنفرانس در دوحه  درست سه هفته…

کور و نابینایان خرد

تقدیم به زن ستیز های بدوی و ملا های اجیر، آن…

فضیلت سیاسی و افغانستان

در نخست بدانیم٬ ماکیاولی در شهریار و گفتارها٬ در واقع…

بهای سنگین این خاموشی پیش از توفان را طالبان خواهند…

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید طالبان بیش از این صبر مردم افغانستان را…

گلایه و سخن چندی با خالق یکتا

خداوندا ببخشایم که از دل با تومیخواهم سخن رانم هراسانم که…

(ملات گاندی در مورد امام حسین

باسم تعالى در نخست ورود ماه محرم و عاشوراء حسينى را…

جهان بی روح پدیداری دولت مستبد

دولت محصولی از روابط مشترك المنافع اعضاء جامعه می باشد٬ که…

ضانوردان ناسا یک سال شبیه‌سازی زندگی در مریخ را به…

چهار فضانورد داوطلب ناسا پس از یک سال تحقیق برای…

پاسخی به نیاز های جدید یا پاسخی به مخالفان

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید آغاز بحث بر سر اینکه قرآن حادث است و…

طالبان، پناهگاه امن تروریسم اسلامی

سیامک بهاری شورای امنیت سازمان ملل: ”افغانستان به پناهگاه امن القاعده و…

  نور خرد

 ازآن آقای دنیا بر سر ما سنگ باریده عدوی جان ما…

عرفان با 3 حوزه شناخت/ ذهن، منطق، غیب

دکتر بیژن باران با سلطه علم در سده 21،…


Kabul-e-News 302‏

3 September 2014 – Number 302

A weekly summary of good news and development news about Afghanistan with a circulation
of more than 17,000 and a Facebook presence
of 60,000 readers

Kabul-e-News is not responsible for the content of articles on any external internet sites. The views expressed are those of the authors and publishers alone. We provide a summary of news about Afghanistan which is published on the internet by a variety of news services.

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Saving Mes Aynak

Mes Aynak is a 9,800-acre archaeological site in Afghanistan’s Logar Province. It was once a major city on the ancient Silk Road and is home to structures dating back more than 2,600 years. Archaeologists say it’s a cultural goldmine, but others are more concerned with what lies beneath it — 5.5 million metric tons of high-grade copper ore. Experts have called the site “one of the most intriguing ancient mining sites in Central Asia, if not the world,” noting the city’s religious and economic significance over the millennia.  More>>>

Minaret of Jam
‘in danger of collapse”

The Jam minaret was built 800 years ago. Centuries of neglect and frequent floods are threatening the structure in remote Ghor province. The 65m (213-foot) monument – thought to be the world’s second-tallest brick minaret – is already on the UN list of world heritage sites in danger. The biggest threat to the Jam minaret is posed by its position in a river valley among high mountains. More>>>

The Best Ice Cream
in Afghanistan

Herat Ice cream recently won a landmark award for producing the best ice cream in Afghanistan. Their factory in Herat city produces 30 metric tons of high-quality Afghan ice cream daily. And their product is always in demand. Hahmad Faizey, owner of Herat Ice-Cream factory, started his business in 2002. He decided that his home town’s reputation for making the best traditional ice-cream in Afghanistan, and very little domestic competition, made it an ideal investment opportunity. More>>>

The Battle to Beat Polio

Tens of thousands of volunteers fanned out across Afghanistan this week, braving deteriorating security and distrusting parents to administer two chilled drops of the oral polio vaccine each to millions of children. Afghanistan is one of only three nations where the polio virus is still endemic, along with Pakistan and Nigeria. For a nation at war, its anti-polio campaign has had remarkable success, bringing the number of cases down from 63 in 1999 to just 14 in 2013. Only eight new cases have been confirmed so far this year, compared to 108 in Pakistan.  More>>>

Polio Alarm in Southeast

Health officials in the Khost province of southeast Afghanistan have warned of a polio outbreak, noting that they have recorded one case and that more are likely.  They raised the alarm after tens of thousands of civilians arrived fleeing from a Pakistani army offensive launched in mid-June in Waziristan. Public health staff in Khost have identified one confirmed case and nine possible cases among the refugee population and have embarked on an emergency vaccination programme.  More>>>


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 An English writer and editor is available for a wide variety of your English writing needs. The writer has extensive experience in Afghanistan and in writing proposals, applications, reports and media releases, etc., for both foreign and local organisations.  Training in these activities can also be offered to your staff members. Charges are low. Contact details:englishwriterkabul@gmail.com
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Join Afghanistan Cricket Board on Facebook with 221,000 + fans

Be a part of the biggest movement of young people in Afghanistan and the largest peaceful activity in the country.


Former NZ Coach Likely
to Replace Kabir Khan.

Former New Zealand coach Andy Moles is likely to take over the top job in Afghanistan ahead of the World Cup. Afghanistan coach Kabir Khan resigned on Tuesday, telling AFP the job was putting too much strain on his family ending six years in the role.  Moles, 53, was this year appointed Afghanistan batting coach and is favoured to step up as head coach for the World Cup co-hosted by New Zealand and Australia from February.  More>>>

Sixes Tournament 2014
“A Big Success!”
The Afghanistan Cricket Board held the Final of the Sixes Tournament 2014 at the Kabul Cricket Stadium on Monday. The event was hailed as a great success with capacity crowds of more than 8,000 people.  You can see photographs of the Final on Facebook  here>>>

Afghanistan Football Federation

 Come and join the Afghanistan Football Federations facebook page with more than
103,165 fans.
Football needs yours support.


  Targeting Qualification
for 2022 FIFA World Cup

The Afghanistan Football Federation (AFF) said Thursdy an agreement was signed with the Football Federation of Japan in a bid to further boost the capabilities of the Afghan National Football team. According to Afghanistan Football Federation (AFF), equipping the AFF stadium with lights to enable hosting night-time matches, construction of a mini-pitch for younger age category teams and the establishment of the first ever professional football academy were the key points of the agreement. More>>>

Futsal Refereeing Course

FIFA federation launched a seminar for Afghan futsal referees last week.  The Futsal committee of Afghanistan football federation hopes to see the sport develop across Afghanistan. FIFA federation instructor, Sayed Sadrudding Mosavi, conducted the seminar. He believes there is a bright future for Afghanistan futsal players. Seven women referees were among the 30 participants.  More>>>

Photographs the Inside
– Herat Women’s Prison

This prison in Herat holds about 140 inmates, some with their children alongside them, whose crimes range from murder and drug trafficking to running away from home. The programme at the prison, which was built by the Italian Provincial Reconstruction Team, includes teaching inmates skills like carpet weaving that will help them after release. More>>>

  ANA opens new
Trauma Centre in Helmand

Over the past six months, the Afghan National Army transformed a warehouse in their Helmand province base to include four emergency room beds, two fully equipped operating room suites, an intensive care unit and general patient ward rooms. “It’s your effort and your work that helped build and make this facility. This is not a mobile clinic; it’s a facility with all modern equipment. We have all the equipment from A-Z,” said Major General Mussa Wardak, left, the Afghan National Army surgeon general. More>>>

President Karzai will not attend NATO Summit

KABUL (Reuters) – President Hamid Karzai will not attend a key NATO summit next week because of his disagreements with Washington his spokesman said on Tuesday. “It is because of his views and his position on the continuation of U.S. and NATO military presence beyond 2014 (that he is not going to Wales),” Karzai’s spokesman Aimal Faizi told Reuters, “there is no change in that and the conditions are the same.”  More>>>

  “Be ready for protests”

KABUL (Pajhwok): The governor of northern Balkh province and a close aide to trailing presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah on Tuesday asked his supporters to prepare themselves for massive protests against looming election results.  Atta Mohammad Noor wrote on his Facebook page that the election process had lost its legitimacy. He came hard on the government, the United Nations and the Independent Election Commission (IEC) for what he said not responding to complaints from the Abdullah’s camp.  More>>>