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Brussels Conference on Afghanistan (PARTNERSHIP FOR PROSPERITY AND PEACE)

While appreciating the help and assistance of international communities , every penny that international societies paying  for Afghanistan specially the 15.2 billion USD in this tough conditions of Afghanistan,  it worth and is vital to gauge and analysis this conference and the 15.2 billion USD , the importance of it , the way of it is spending, demanding of international community from Afghanistan  National Government NUG with its fragile situation and  while fighting the international terrorism and region spying organizations.
From the view point of so many Afghan people the name of the conference should have been (Brussels Conference on Afghanistan partnership for how to bring peace and prosperity in Afghanistan).
In this conference everybody just talked about pledging conditionals help to Afghanistan. Nobody talked even a single word about  how is the situation of Afghanistan right now, how is the situation of the people in war isolated provinces like Kondoz, Helmand, Kabul that everyday see suicides on it, what will happened to the 80 thousand Afghan refugees who sold their everything in order to escape from ISIS , Taliban, and other terroristic groups,  hundreds of  people are dying every day here, thousands are escaping from the country every day , women’s rights, human rights, freedom of speech , business, live of people are in danger all because of the security reason.
Afghanistan is still a war ravage and conflicted area right now.  If you pledging and bringing hundreds of billions of USD but if you didn’t bring peace first here every penny you bring will be wasted.
Spending money without bringing peace and security in a diverged area is waste of money and time. For example how do you implement rehabilitation projects, fighting corruptions, bringing rule of law, human rights in war zoon like Kondoz, Helmand and so many other conflicted area of Afghanistan. How do you build a country while it is neighbours interfering on it and sending thousands of terrorist every day to destroy this country? How do you build a country that most of its population is jobless, dying and injuring every day and thinking of fleeing from the country?
Brussels Conference first might be decided on a clear strategy, how to bring a sustainable peace in Afghanistan, how to put pressure on Afghanistan’s neighbouring countries especially Pakistan and Iran to avoid supporting the Taliban and other terroristic groups, how to put pressure on the Afghan government to give jobs to the wise and educated people according to their field of educations especially in the Afghan Security forces, how to help Afghan Security forces and put a conditionals promises to Afghan NUG to while working on peace process , punish the criminals and strictly work on rule of law in the country.
Once the country is in peace and security than you can implement the billion USD projects, fight against corruption or annihilate the corruptions, build Afghanistan, elimination the poppy cultivation, bring freedom of speech, women’s right, human rights, and on that time Afghanistan could be a very good partner not only for itself but also for the international communities and the world.
Ramin Ahmadyar