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To Donald Trump , President of America??

 You said in Sudi Arebia , that the countries like Syria , Iran, and other are trying to dictate or to forward their Ideology or export to other countries  , and they are the countries of terror and devastating fighting all over the world , but to day every single man and all politics and leaders of the countries knows that the only countries which are the source of fighting and the beganner of war are the NATO countries with the collaboration of American ??
See fakland war , Vietnam war ,  see Iraq war – see Lebya  war , see Afghan war , see Somali war , see Ukrain conspiracy, and mony
Who creat and brought on power Osama Binladin, with 23000 Arab terrorist to Afghanistan to defeat PDPA, in Afghanistan ???
Who defeat Taliban Movement in bomb with B52, now who are supplying weapons , ammunition, money and training , and give all  information  to them   and  their  daily expanses , that is the American :
If your homer  Donald Tromp wants to stop war in Afghanistan , and you can do it , other wise your allies the Afghan  Government  and the people of Afghanistan  will  act very badly   And will broke  the agreement between Afghanistan and American  and it will effected  with  starting the bloody war you  had started   In this case. please  withdraw your troops from Afghanistan with big shame to NATO and the American  because your countries didn’t stop  war in Afghanistan , I propose To Donald Trump the following things ???
1- Stop your finance support  from Pakistan ?, because Pakistan is a. Terrorist kipping and supporting country in the world ??
2- Declare Pakistan as a terrorist  country??
3- close all terrorist comp and training centre   Of Taliban and  Haqani Sosider or bomb them  in tribal  area in Pakistan ??
4- please give 200 pachi Helicopters , and 100 F16 and F35 , to the Defence Ministry of Afghanistan, and other Artillery, Engineer, Radar , and many more  army needs weapons to defend their  Father land from  insurgencies and  other  invaders ???
  5- Do not interfair among Afghan nationality and their habits and traditions , don’t divide them in to Pashtoon , Tajik,Uzbek, Hazaras,???
6- withdraw your troops including your advisers from Afghanistan , leave them alone they will find the solution for the peace and security  stability in Afghanistan ???
Remember the big conspiracy regarding Ganral  Dustum , why American blame Dostum to a very bad and very stupid gay man Ishchi , which stated that he was fuck by. Ganral Dostum , where is the evedance ,   You Know  it was for Dostum , for Afghan Government , for your countries a big shame , now you are keeping the shameful gay Ishchi in Kabul and each day he give interview to any TV, which is big shame to Ashraf Ghani , to Hanif Atmar  to Stanakzai , to Dr Abdullah ??
Dear Donald Trump , remember the same conspiracy was made by the enemy of President Klinton  by Monika levinskee, theses kind of conspiracy could not affect the personality of political leaders , kind ly avide it and don’t persuade it more , Afghanistan should not be your trannies comp or your chessboard or push up board to use it for your Strategic gole  which is reaching to Russia or Chains , or Kaspian oil ???
In the end of my very simple article I invite all NATO countries leaders   and the leaders who are participating in peace process on the 6/06/2017 in Kabul , to stop your dirty  and devastated bloody war   Double game in Afghanistan , our people now know about your canning dirty  bloody  war tactics   also Double  game , which are playing your illiterate politician ?  That mean you are supporting Taliban , Haqani , Hekmatyar and Pakistan as well,  and the Afghan government from other hand  , which is not good , not honest  , not acceptable for Afghanistan people ???