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Stop Killing of Pakistan-Afghanistan innocent people! 


Both Afghan and Pakistan governments are responsible for the death and injuries of the people of these countries.

Both governments are corrupted, unprofessional , irresponsible etc.

Both governments hostages theirs countrymen use them , sell them and kill them for their own personal purpose and benefits.

Pakistan government is in the hands of a few businessmen and military people consisting numbers of political parties. These businessmen only thinking of their own benefits even if ended in the price of death of all Pakistani or any other countrymen. These people have billions of US dolors and properties in different banks and  parts of the world that the earned all of the from the blood of their people.

Afghanistan government is in the hands of a few hundreds people whose hostages all people of Afghanistan.  These people divided all resources,incomes, international helps of Afghanistan between themselves by the name of nationality, linguistic , racial etc.

Their families are living in west , they have billions of US dollars in the foreign banks  and big properties which they found them from the blood of Afghan people.

Both governments are corrupt this is why see their self preservation in making borders between two friend and neighbors nations.

They see their durability By supporting terrorism, export of narcotic drugs , fighting, hostilities, killing of two nations on each other.

What should be done?

Both people of Afghanistan and Pakistan must be wake up , stop following of corrupted and criminals and remove them from their countries. Then remove their borders respect each other’s as friends and two good neighbors, live in peace and prosperity under the rule of Law. As European Union countries doing.

Thanks ,

Ramin Ahmadyar