to president of America OBAMA and all other president and the prime ministers of European countries and the UN Secretary Bankemoon ,
Dear Si and Madam Hi .
I was an army high ranking officer and politics in old regime of Dr Najibullah and during the presidency of Hamid Karzai also during the election of 2009 as well , i saw every thing in side our country ( education – rehabilitation , new constructions , freedom of press and TV , freedom of women ad speech , but I saw in my own eyes the devastating country and the bribery – the corruptions , the looting process, the harshness against women , poverty , sickness , fanatic Muslims, fanatic Islam , illiteracy,access or fixing uneducated peoples on high post or positions .warlords and their power ,also i was engaged and working in Afghanistan for about 40 years , from second lieutenant to a general , from an instructor to political chief of different province and division and military high school , and west zone of our country , now as a British citizen , an expert , in arm forces and politics of non government organisation . i am going ti write to you and all yours allies , this letter about the elections of 2014 or in our colander 1393 ,and the consequences of the bloody war after 2014 onward in Afghanistan ,as you know that the cost of the war totally for the United state is about 120 billion USD per year alone ,this is unsustainable in the long run , in addition ,human losses are increasing ,over 680 solders from the international coalition along with hundred of Afghan have died this years in Afghanistan and the year is not yet over , I appeal to you and to all of yours allies in this bloody Afghan wars please use your all power and your influence which the United State can finally bring peace in Afghanistan which can be achieved only by dialogue if not by force .
as you know the situation on the ground is much worse then a years ago , because the Taliban insurgency has made much more progress across the country , it is now very difficult to work out side the cities or even more around Afghanistan by road the insurgent have built momentum ,exploiting the shortcoming of the Afghan government and the mistake of the coalition forces , the Taliban today are now a national movement with a serious presence in the north and the west of the country and the foreign forces have now been in Afghanistan longer than the Soviet Red Army .
after 2014 the national army in command of security did not realistic , because the to day arm forces are not Afghan National arm forces , but this arm forces in my view are the ( Islamic- tribal – Mujaheddin – warlords – and separatist and paid labor arm forces ) where are lots of intelligent service Spy of ( ISI an IRAN intelligent service , and other countries officers and soldiers among the Afghan arm forces , your arm forces and your coalition arm forces have been defeated and want to fully withdrawal from Afghanistan , in the mean time the economic situation are also worse , the neighboring Pakistan kipping their help and support from fanatic Muslim ( like Hekmatyar – Mulah Haqani – and your allies Taliban ) , also Iran want their influence inside Afghanistan supporting Hazara tribe , so for their are lots of other challenging devastated things which intimidating Afghan government, I want and I wish you as I had asked in your starting aggression against Afghanistan in 2001 in London i propose the Mi 6 and defense ministry representative in London and i had told them don’t send your troops to Afghanistan and you should learn a big lesson from the historical three wars of Afghan – British colonialism , unfortunately they told me America is very power full country i said yes America was in Vietnam also power full country , and now i see that the power full american going out of Afghanistan without any success , they failed with their coalitions ISAF forces . finally i want your dignity honer Mr Obama and all European countries president and prim ministers to support the only one candidate for the presidency of Afghanistan DR Ashraf Ghani Ahmad Zai he is the only one which can bring peace and stability and prosperity to the people of Afghanistan, because he was not involved in fighting , in beriberi , in corruptions , in killing peoples, in hashing women , and he is educated PhD and best expert in economy and he is determined person , kind regards and best wishes . Mr Taus Mohammed Wardak PhD in Philosophy from London