Murder of a Two-Star U.S General and his British, German and Afghan colleagues in Kabul Military Academy

I am very sorry about the homicide of a two-star U.S. Major general and wounded of the other US, British, German and Afghan officers and soldiers by a so called Afghan soldier at the military academy in Kabul.
I am very very sorry about the misunderstanding of international community’s especially USA about the Afghanistan and fight against terrorism.
Since the emerged of the Taliban and Al-Qaida we people of Afghanistan have been crying that these creatures are criminals and enemy of the Humanity.
We are crying that please these terrorists are keep killing our children, our brothers and sisters and…. they have been burning down to the ground our houses, our gardens……
We are crying that these terrorists have safe and stronghold in the Pakistan and Iran.
We are crying that more than half of the current government of Afghanistan is Taliban and have the ideology of Taliban who are supporting the chaos, instability and corruption towards the pavement of the way for their other terrorists’ friends.
We are keeping crying that President Karzai is brother of the Taliban.
We are keeping crying that criminals and Murderers must be punished but unfortunately,
the answer from international communities especially United States of America is negative. USA keep saying that No no Taliban are not our enemy , We are proud of President Karzai and his efficient team, we are proud of the team that topped in corruption, we are proud of the system that watching the genocide of its nations but still calling the terrorists and criminals big brother……
So this is the outcome of your wrong policies and misunderstanding about Afghanistan that every day you are receiving. If you are not revise your wrong policies and not bring and support a government that must be responsible for ( Rule of law, equality, giving space for all the people, effective and efficient management, punishment of the war criminals and terrorists, Rewards and punishments in general, democracy, freedom of speech etc. Then you are just wasting your time, money, human resources etc.