کلبه ی تارم!

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French March


Ramin Ahmadyar

We Afghanistan people have a proverb that says: “when the burglar runs away, the homeowner shouting please help thief thief”! The thief also says please help thief thief thief”!

After the terroristic attack on the French satirical magazine millions of people and more than 50 foreign leaders from Europe the Middle East and Africa linked, marched around the French president Hollande in a display of solidarity with the magazine in the streets of Paris.

Killing of the human being is strictly prohibited not only in Islam but also in all religions. Among the marcher there were some people like Benjamin Netanyahu and some other leaders and populace who directly and indirectly handed to the killing of human beings around the world.

This Gentleman Netanyahu killed thousands of people including children just about a few months ago in Palestine.

200 thousand human beings have been harshly killed in Syria, tens of thousands human beings including Muslims and Christians, Yazidi etc were cruelly killed by Dahish in Iraq, thousands women are being sold as a slave and sexually assaulted by several Dahishi in a day, tens of thousands are being killed in Afghanistan, only in one day 140 innocent children were killed in a school in Pakistan, thousands are being killed in Ukraine and so many more in the other parts of the world.

So if it is matter of humanity or subject (stereotype) of terrorism or defending the human beings rights?  Why you people first not start from yourself? Why were you sitting off until the incident of the magazine?  World is like a global village, fire in one part will easily spread in other part of this village. Why you are not calling on the entire world’s people to get jointly and march against the all type of terrorism from anywhere and any religions or any country.

If it’s really thinking of human and humanity, if you really want to struggle against the killing of the humans beings, let us start reform from ourselves and first thing stop killing of humans worldwide. Let us march and get to gather at a global campaign to stop cruelty and ruthless people all over the world.