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9/11, Afghanistan and the world

A review by
Ramin Ahmadyar.
After the fall of the Taliban and takeover of the international community,  it has been 13 years that thousands of not only Afghan but also foreign troops’ lives have been lost. Billions of dollars spent. The man behind the 9/11 attacks on the US Osama Bin Laden was shoot dead by the US commandos while some of the other Al-Qaeda, Taliban , iSIS and other insurgents are still alive and threatening not only the region but also the world. This13 years war has really been turned in to a very sad and sophisticated issue for all the world . Afghanistan failed to establish a democratic government because of  a fail and full of fraud presidential election.  The international community is leaving Afghanistan if there is no a democratic elected government to sign the Afghan-US Bilateral Security Agreement. They will pul back  while the mission has not been accomplished yet. The radicals are still there, and supported by Afghanistan neighboring countries, Afghanistan is suffering from corruption, poverty, weak national army and national Police, poor government with poor economic status.  Through these realities the real message of the Afghan poor people to the world is not to pull back not only because of Afghanistan but also because of international security and avoiding of another incident like 9/11 as well.
To the mind of the people, especially youth who were born in war, grew up in war,  and living in war the root of instability and insecurity in Afghanistan has economic base. The people are fighting to earn money to support their families and survive. Due to wrong policy of the government, corruption, drug mafias, lack of job facilities, insecurity  people got distance from the government and international community.  There are something like 500 people who have all the power and money in Afghanistan and they are corrupt, human rights violators, they have hand in drug trafficking etc. Each of them has so many body guards with anti-bullet cars. Their families are in Dubai and Europe. Every day they are doing a deal on the life of people. 500 people have hostage  30 million population.
Afghanistan Media and fear of 2014
Freedom of expression in Afghanistan has been enshrined through the constitution and most recently through a new media law after the fall of the Taliban regime with the help of international community.
As days pass by, Afghan journalists and media face more and more obstacles while performing their professional duties. Recently some of Afghanistan’s media organizations ( TV, Radio, Print etc) have been bought by some unidentified and unprofessional  people who consist of warlords, unprofessional, businessmen that don’t know anything about the freedom of speech and what a media organization is?
Their unprofessional work and their mechanism treat the story according to their benefits at the end of the day and mostly service against money which is typically supported by the Afghanistan enemies.  They have launched a big media campaign to again pull Afghanistan back into the catastrophe like in the time of 1992. They are trying to show that Afghanistan will again go down by using the word “2014” that international communities will leave Afghanistan.
Lack of professionalism and economic problems have caused these media organizations to be changed in to institutions that not only tear down the young Afghan journalism but also bring Afghanistan as a poor and full of tension country in the eyes of International community and Afghan people.
When you speak with the people of Afghanistan they are in an obsession, unhappy and full of distrust situation about Afghanistan. When you ask them why? They answer in 2014 Foreigners will leave Afghanistan and again will leave us on the hand of Human rights violations, and Terrorist people. If you ask how do you know these things?  they are easily answering you to watch the media especially TV’s and Radios.
Afghan media ( TV, Radio, Prints)  nowadays  are full of weak , repeating  and the same subjects programs which are only about the fail election , tension between two presidential candidates,  pull back of international community after 2014 and as a consequence the destruction and down of Afghanistan again.
These propagandas have caused that people are living in a very much fear and horror. They have lost their trust to the international community and Afghan government.
Business and investments are showing a vast decreasing level. Vast majority of Afghan intellectuals, educated, wealthy, and businessmen are thinking of leaving the country. Investors and businessmen are taking out their capital and assets out of Afghanistan.
The failed presidential election , tension between two candidates , economic problems of people, by corruption, drugs traffic, weak polices of the government, insecurity etc not only cause peoples getting distance from the government but also caused the enemies of Afghanistan and terrorist to use this situation and get benefits of it.
What should be don to solve this problem?
People expect from the international community and Afghan government to bring a powerful government, first thing to do transitional justice, punish the human rights violators and people who commit treachery, impose the strict law on all the people equally(rule of law), making the transparent and good economic, education,  etc policy.  Development of the cities, and towns, making job facilities, as Afghanistan has dangerous neighbors who see their benefits in an unstable Afghanistan it needs to have powerful, National army, educated police and intelligence service etc.
Ramin Ahmadyar
11 Sep 2014