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بازی خطرناک دیګر غرب

 انجنیر فضل احمد افغان                                                                                  کانادا:۱۶آکتوبر۲۰۱۴م

ایجاد ګروپ جدید افراطګرا بنام خراسان


هموطنان ګرانقدر و باهوش من بیست سال قبل یعنی بتاریخ ۲۸نومبر۱۹۹۴م با درک اوضاع در مادروطن و دسایس دشمنان معروضه ذیل را که منعکس کننده تشویش من بود خدمت جناب دانشمند محترم داکتر صاحب هاشمیان جهت نشر به مجلهء وزین آینهء افغانستان برای تحلیل اوضاع سیاسی افغانستان و منطقه ارسال داشتم که جنابشان لطف فرموده در همان وقت به نشر آن اقدام فرمودند که اینک قبل از تحریر مطلب عنوان فوق مضمون مؤرخ ۲۸نومبر۱۹۹۴م خود را که عنوانی جناب داکترصاحب ارسال داشته بودم در ذیل خدمت تقدیم و سپس به اصل مطلب امروزی میپردزم.

برادر عزیزالقدر محترم داکترصاحب ها شمیان سلام.

به آرزوی صحت و سلامت جناب شما از رسیدن نامۀ شما و کتاب محترم غمخورصاحب با عرض تشکرات قلبی ام اطمینان میدهم برادر گرامی در این اواخر چندین بار در پروگرامهای تلویزونی فعالیتهای بعضی از اعضا ای سازمانهای بین المللی مسلمانان بنیادگرا را با کلاهای پکول و لباسهای ملی افغانی در نقاط مختلف جهان دیدم و از فحوای گفتارهای شان چنین فهمیدم که یکتعداد از رهبران احزاب هفت گانه آگاهانه و یا غیر آگاهانه در قید چنگالهای خون آلود سازمان بین المللی مسلمانان بنیادگرا ( فندا میندا لیستها) اند که از آغاز تأسیس آن و مخصوصأ بعد از تجاوز بیشرمانه روسها بمادروطن عزیز ما برای رسیدن اهداف طویل المدت تحت تربیه گرفته شده و از آنها بحیث رهبران مراکز تربیه تروریستی بمنظور پخش مرامهای شان استفاده میشود.

از جنایات دونیم سال اخیر شان در افغانستان چنین معلوم میشود که هیأت رهبری سازمان مذکور به این عقیده رسیده باشند که از افغانستان بحیث یک مرکز عمده و اصلی فعالیتهای شان استفاده نموده از یکطرف به قاچاق چرس ,تریاک و سنگهای قیمتی بنیۀ اقتصادی سازمان را تقویه و از جانب دیگر از آنجاه به پخش و توسعه مرامهای طویل المدت  خویش در افغانستان و دیگر نقاط جهان به پیش بروند و تحت یک پلان منظم به رسیدن به این آرزو با دست وگریبان نمودن رهبران قدرتطلب با یکدیگر بالای گرفتن قدرت میخواهند افغانستان را از نگاۀ اقتصادی,اجتماعی,سیا سی,نظامی و کلتوری بیک گودال سیاه و تاریک و بد بختی تبدیل و سپس برای تطبیق مرامهای شوم شان با استفاده از دستنشانده گانشان از نیروی جوانی را که در شانزده سال اخیر تحت تربیه گرفته اند و آنها هیچ دانش از اسلام و جهان امروزی ندارند کور کورانه و غیر مسئولانه تحت نام مقدس اسلام و اینکه اسلام سرحد ندارد و سرحد را نمی شناسد به پیش بروند.

چنانچه تخریب مراکز تعلیمی ,کلتوری و اجتماعی در افغانستان و بی اهمیت دانستن حاکمیت ارضی,حاکمیت ملی افغانستان و قتل عام دوامدار اثبات خوبی برای این ادعای بنده میبا شد.

من این موضوع را بخاطری تحریر نمودم  که تا حال به این ارتباط سیاستمداران  و دانشمندان  ما تماس نگرفته اند لهذا اگر از خواهران و برادران اهل نظر خواهش شود که با دلایل واستدلال علمی جریانات دونیم سال اخیر افغانستان را در آینۀ وا قعات امروزی جهان تحلیل و ابراز نظر فرمایند که مسؤل حوادث و جریانات غیرانسانی و بشری درافغانستان آیا امریکا و یا کشورهای همسایه افغانستان بشمول عربستان سعودی میباشند؟ و یا سازمان بین المللی مسلمانان بنیادگرا میباشد؟.

به آرزوی مؤفقیتهای مزید جناب شما.

باتقدیم احترامات فایقه. “

حال با ذکر مطالب فوق میخواهم بحضور هموطنان ګرامی و وطندوست افغانم عرض بدارم که امروز من تصادفآ با سه لینک ذیل بر خوردم و با باز نمودن و خواندن آن موهای سرم خیست و مرا معتقد ساخت که اندیشه های بیست سال قبلم خداناخواسته به واقعیت تبدیل میشود. من بعد از سفر مؤرخ۲۰فبروری ۲۰۰۵م  جان مکن و هلیری کلینتن به کابل و طرح ساختمان پایګاهای نظامی امریکا در افغانستان با آقای حامد کرزی بتاریخ ۲۵ فبروری ۲۰۰۵م طی مکتوب سرکشاده خود عنوانی رئیس جمهور امریکا جارج دبلیو بش که به نقل آن سازمان ملل متحد و نماینده ګی های کشورهای بزرګ در سازمان ملل متحد را نیر اطلاع داده بودم اقدام امریکا مبنی بر ساختمان پایګاهای نظامی شان در افغانستان را جدی مردود و با مقاله مؤرخ ۲۸فبروری ۲۰۰۵م تحت عنوان “پیشنهاد ساختمان پایګاهء نظامی اضلاع متحده امریکا در افغانستان” ساختمان پایګاه های نظامی امریکا را در افغانستان جدی محکوم نموده بودم  و نیز بتاریخ ۱۷مارچ ۲۰۰۵م اندیشه خود را در مقاله تحت عنوان “غلامی یا آزادی” ابراز داشتم که در اکٍثر جرائید خارج مرز بشمول مجله وزین آینه افغانستان  نشر وهموطنان خود را از دسیسه بزرګ اضلاع متحده امریکا که عبارت از تجزیه مادروطنما میباشد مطلع و هوشدار دادم  و امروز که نوشته های لینکهای ذیل انګلیسی را با ذکر نام “خراسان بزرګ” میخوانم چنین معلوم میشود که با امضاء موافقه امنیتی و دفاعی مؤرخ سی سپتمبر ۲۰۱۴م بین دولتین افغانستان و اضلاع متحده امریکا و ایجاد پدیده سیاه دیګری از افراطګرا به اصطلاح مسلمان تحت نام “داعش” پلانهای شوم غرب در افغانستان و منطقه نزدیک به عملی شدن است، من نمیخواهم بیشتر در مورد ابراز نظر نمایم میخواهم توجه دانشمندان و تحلیلګران ګرامی هموطنم مخصوصآمفسرین سیاسی وطندوست را جلب تا با مسئولیت ملی، وجدانی و افغانی خود با خواندن مطالب لینکهای ذیل و شرایط بغرنج منطقه شرق میانه و ایجاد ګروپ جدید افراطګرا بنام داعش و تذکری از شاخه داعش بنام Great Khorasan (خراسان بزرګ) موضع را همه جانبه تحلیل و وطنداران خود را آګاه سازند چه ما و مادروطن عزیز ما در مقطع زمانی بس مهم و خطرناک قرار داریم از فحوای نوشته های لینکهای ذیل چنین معلوم میشود که بعد از مؤفقیت پلان تأسیس دولت جدید اسلامی عراق وسوریه ISIS تأسیس دولت جدید دیګری بنام “دولت اسلامی خراسان بزرګ” در نظر باشد.

خداوند حافظ و نګهبان مادروطن عزیز ما افغانستان باشد

توجه وطنداران عزیز را به لینکهای ذیل جلب می نمایم




24 September 2014 Last updated at 10:46 ET

What is the Khorasan Group?

US cruise missiles struck al-Qaeda strongholds in north-western Syria on 23 September

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Shortly before the United States and its Arab allies launched air strikes on Islamic State (IS) positions across Syria on Tuesday, cruise missiles launched from US warships in the Gulf and Red Sea struck two areas west of the city of Aleppo.

The targets were not leaders of IS, the jihadist group that has declared the creation of a caliphate in the large swathes of Syria and Iraq under its control, but seasoned al-Qaeda operatives who the US says had established a safe haven to plot attacks on the West.

The missiles targeted training camps, a bomb factory, a communication building, and command-and-control facilities belonging to what Washington calls “the Khorasan Group”.

Until then, very little information about the shadowy organisation had been made public, although American politicians had been given classified briefings.

“This is a group that has been known to us for two years,” US Attorney General Eric Holder told Yahoo News.

“We hit them last night out of a concern that they were getting close to an execution date of some of the plans that we have seen.”

‘Low profile’

The Khorasan Group – a name apparently coined by the US – is believed to be made up of about 50 veteran militants from Afghanistan and Pakistan, which jihadists refer to as Khorasan, as well as North Africa and Chechnya.

Khorasan Group militants are believed to have embedded themselves within the al-Nusra Front

US officials said they had been sent to Syria by al-Qaeda’s leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, not to fight the government of President Bashar al-Assad but to “develop external attacks, construct and test improvised explosive devices and recruit Westerners to conduct operations”.

The militants are thought to have embedded themselves within al-Qaeda’s local affiliate, the al-Nusra Front, and obtained land and buildings in its strongholds.

Several al-Qaeda veterans – including al-Nusra’s spokesman Abu Firas al-Suri and its top military commander, Abu Humam al-Suri – moved to Syria over the past year and appeared in al-Nusra propaganda.

The Khorasan cell’s alleged leader, Muhsin al-Fadhli, was also believed to have arrived last year, but he kept a low profile.

The 33-year-old Kuwaiti was a confidante of the late Osama bin Laden and one of the few al-Qaeda operatives to receive advanced warning of the 11 September 2001 attacks, according to the US.

The US offered a $7m reward in 2012 for information that led to the capture or killing of Muhsin al-Fadhli

In 2005, the US treasury department said Fadhli was based in the Gulf and had been providing support to al-Qaeda militants fighting US-led forces in Iraq under Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

Seven years later, the state department offered a $7m reward for information that led to the capture or killing of Fadhli, saying he had become the leader of al-Qaeda’s network in Iran and was responsible for the movement of money and fighters for its operations in the region.

Despite his senior role, analysts have expressed doubts about US assertions that Fadhli subsequently assumed the leadership of the Khorasan Group. Mustafa Alani of the Dubai-based Gulf Research Centre said he was “more a preacher than a commander”.

‘Major attacks’

US officials were hopeful that social media reports that Fadhli was among those killed in the recent missile strikes were true, but cautioned that the group would remain a threat.

“His loss would be significant, but as we’ve seen before, any decapitation is only a short-term gain. The hydra will grow another head,” Congressman Adam Schiff, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, told the New York Times.

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula made a bomb concealed in the underwear of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab

Classified US intelligence assessments said the Khorasan Group was collaborating with the Yemen-based al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) to test ways to get explosives past airport security, according to the Associated Press.

AQAP’s Saudi bomb-maker, Ibrahim al-Asiri, is believed to have built the device that Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab concealed in his underwear and tried to detonate in an aircraft over Detroit in 2009.

US officials say the intelligence that Asiri might be helping the Khorasan Group was the reason the Transportation Security Administration decided in July to ban uncharged mobile phones and laptops from flights to the US originating in Europe and the Middle East.

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Lt Gen William Mayville said the Khorasan Group was among the targets of recent strikes

By September, intelligence reports indicated that the Khorasan Group was “in the final stages of plans to execute major attacks”, Pentagon spokesman Lt-Gen William Mayville said.

Although it was not clear when, where or how the militants intended to strike, one US report said they were planning to build a bomb that would be difficult to detect by lacing non-metallic objects like toothpaste tubes and clothes with explosives.

The US Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, told a recent intelligence gathering that “in terms of threat to the homeland, Khorasan may pose as much of a danger as the Islamic State”.

Mr Holder said strikes on the Khorasan Group would “probably continue until we are at a stage where we think we have degraded their ability to get at our allies or to the homeland”.

Greater Khorasan

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Names of territories during the Caliphate in 750 CE. Khorasan was a province of Persia in yellow.

Khorasan, also written as Khurasan (Middle Persian: Khwarāsān, Persian: خراسان بزرگ or خراسان کهن‎  listen (help·info)), is a historical region[1] lying in the northeast of Persia (in Iran) that has been mentioned in various sources in the past. “In pre-Islamic and early Islamic times, the term “Khurassan” frequently had a much wider denotation, covering also parts of Central Asia and Afghanistan; early Islamic usage often regarded everywhere east of western Persia, sc. Djibal or what was subsequently termed ‘Irak ‘Adjami, as being included in a vast and ill-defined region of Khurasan, which might even extend to the Indus Valley and Sind.”[2] Before Islamization of the region, the inhabitants of Khorasan had mostly practiced Zoroastrianism, but there were also followers of Buddhism and Surya worship in Hinduism.

Khorasan in its proper sense comprised principally the cities of Balkh, Herat, and Taloqan (now in Afghanistan), Mashhad, Nishapur, and Sabzevar (now in northeastern Iran), Merv and Nisa (now in southern Turkmenistan), and Samarqand and Bukhara (before in Turkmenistan, now in Uzbekistan). Some believe that at certain times Khorasan covered a wider area, which included parts of Transoxiana, Soghdiana, Sistan, and extended to the boundaries of the Indian subcontinent.[1] When the Arabs first arrived to the area south of the Hindu Kush to defeat the Zunbils, they recognized it as al-Hind (Sind), owing to the prevalence of Buddhists and Hindus (non-Zoroastrians) due to its cultural connection with Greater India. Sources from the 14th to the 16th century report that south of the Hindu Kush (Zamindawar, Baluchistan and Kabulistan) formed a frontier between Khorasan and Hindustan.[3][4]

In the Islamic period, Persian Iraq and Khorasan were the two important territories. The boundary between these two was the region surrounding the cities of Gurgan and Damghan. In particular, the Ghaznavids, Seljuqs and Timurids divided their empires into Iraqi and Khorasani regions. The adjective Greater is added these days to distinguish the historical region from the Khorasan province of Iran, which roughly encompasses the western half of the historical Khorasan.[5]

The official said the United States has been tracking and monitoring ” Khorasan ” several months ( Figure )

Radical organization ” Khorasan ” member earlier joined the “base ” organization Syrian branch of ” National Salvation Front” , and later to their separate ways.

After the United States and the Arab ” partner country” on the 22nd start of Syria ‘s extremist organization ” Islamic State ” launched air strikes , statements and press conferences related to the United States Department of Defense have mentioned the name of a strange organization — ” Khorasan . ” Pentagon specifically pointed out that military party ” alone ” right ” Khorasan ” targets in air strikes to thwart their attempts to the United States and other Western countries attempt to launch terrorist attacks .

Xi Mei European countries planning ” imminent”

American officials say the 23rd , the United States intelligence suggests radical organization ” Khorasan ” is preparing to launch terrorist attacks the United States and Europe , the United States has been on the organization’s targets in Syria launched air strikes.

Joint Staff Minister William Mayville military operations in the Defense Department press conference that day , said, ” Khorasan ” organized attacks on Europe or the ( U.S. ) local planning has been close to ” the implementation phase .”

Mayville said, ” Khorasan ” to recruit new members to the West in the Middle East , in order to allow them to return to their homeland to infiltrate the West or to carry out attacks . ” Khorasan obviously not against the Assad regime or the Syrian people . Their roots in Syria, as is the Western and the ( U.S. ) mainland attack .”

Also present at the press conference of the Ministry of Defense spokesman Kirby said, ” Khorasan ” is a network of senior ” base” organization members, is planning against the United States and Western countries ” imminent” terrorist attack.

America has been tracking and monitoring ” Khorasan ” for several months

The Pentagon said the United States of ” Khorasan ” has been tracked and monitored for several months , considering its planned air strikes have been longer. In the early morning of the 23rd time in Syria , the Syrian territory of the United States in the “Islamic State” target air strikes , but also on the ” Khorasan ” organizational goals west of Aleppo air strikes carried out eight times , more than 40 Syrian territory on the day of launch “Tomahawk ” cruise missiles , most point to ” Khorasan ” goal.

The United States has yet to confirm the effect of air strikes on the 23rd . However, according to ” the Syrian Human Rights Watch organization ,” said an air strike that killed 70 in addition to the “Islamic State” members , but also killed about 50 may be associated with ” Khorasan ” relevant “base ” organization members.

United States Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Vicesaid members ” Khorasan ” are hardened , once the war in Pakistan , Chechnya, Afghanistan and North Africa and other regions, they are taking advantage of the chaos in Syria and to establish a base in the country , to concentrate planning for the United States and the terrorist attacks in Western countries , and related programs has come to a ” very mature ” stage.

Some American intelligence and counterterrorism officials worry that they may launch a retaliatory terrorist attacks on American air strikes. Xinhua News Agency

English K horasan or K hurasan, the original intent of the word refers to the ancient name of a region in Southwest Asia , but also refers to the name is now a province of Iran .

Radical organization ” Khorasan ” by a group of former from the Middle East , South Asia and North Africa region, ” base” organization members, their leaders for Kuwaitis , “base ” organization senior member Mohsen Fade Li . The organization’s main objective is to the United States and other Western countries to launch terrorist attacks .

Threat than the ” Islamic State ” even more

The earliest reference to ” Khorasan ” is the name of a U.S. National Intelligence Director James Clapper . He told a conference in Washington on the disclosure of information on the 18th of this month , if you compare the extent of the terrorist threat to the United States constituted ” Khorasan ” more direct threat than the ” Islamic State ” !

Fade Li -oriented leader Osama bin Laden confidant

” Khorasan ” is a 33 -year-old leader of the “base ” organization member Mohsen Fade Li . U.S. intelligence agencies have been tracking Fade Li 10 years , and in 2005 he was included in the terrorist blacklist. U.S. State Department in 2012 offering a reward of $ 7,000,000 in exchange for help to catch his intelligence .

are Kuwaitis , with the former “base” -Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is closely related to the ” 9.11″ terrorist attacks on the former know a few ” base” one of the core members of the relevant program. ” 9.11″ Houfadeli had long been hiding in Iran , as the “base ” organization leader of the Iranian branch .

Fade Li in April 2013 came to Syria. Syria, he first joined the “base ” organization branch ” National Salvation Front” , and later parted ways with its established militant organization ” Khorasan .”

Painstaking research bomb-making techniques

” Khorasan ” fame little smaller scale , in the mouth , but American officials perilous , is caused by multiple factors . First , the organization concentrated on bomb-making techniques. Allegedly the “base ” organization ‘s top bomb expert Ibrahim Ashley might have ” Khorasan ” member taught bomb-making techniques , including the production to toothpaste , toiletries , underwear , etc. to disguise bombs. Such a bomb might escape airport security by terrorists to bring to the United States or other Western countries, flights , to carry out attacks .

Secondly, the ” Khorasan ” through a network of social media and other means , the development of a number of Western countries passport holders extremists for members to use their visa can not go directly to the advantages of the United States. Intelligence agencies suspect that there are already a number of ” Khorasan ” member lurking in the territory of the United States and other Western countries , are subject to attack .

Iran: America had advance notice of raids

Senior Iranian officials said the United States in the fight against Syrian territory before the “Islamic State” extremist armed Iran notified the goal and promise not to attack targets in the Syrian army .

This unnamed Iranian official told Reuters reporters , when the United States will take notice of its intention to military action , Iran express Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government in this action may be weakened concerns also brought the issue of negotiations with the United States Conference .

He said: “The problem for the first time in Geneva (Switzerland) talked about , then thoroughly discussed in the ( U.S. ) New York , Iran is guaranteed in any action against the Islamic State of targets in Syria not to Assad and his government as the goal . “

This Iranian official said before the air strikes , Iran also informed several Arab countries, with the United States action.

Hollande : fear , ” threatened to kill ” threat

French President Francois Hollande on the 23rd that France will not succumb to Algeria ” Islamic State ” followers to kill the hostages , ” ultimatum ” will continue on the ” Islamic State ” air strikes , and to provide assistance to the Government of Iraq . France has officially launched this kidnapping investigation.

Meanwhile, France has denied the payment of ransom to the militants say.

Kidnapped person named Herve Goodall , from the southern city of Nice, France , aged 55 , occupation is climbing guide. He was away at the time of a mountain in northeastern Algeria and several nearby villages Algerians traveling together on the 21st .

Shortly after the incident , extremist organization ” Caliph Warrior” published online video , claiming that the implementation of this kidnapping , asked the French to the “Islamic State” close hand . Armed men in the video issued an “ultimatum ” to Hollande , said that if the French are not 24 hours to stop the “Islamic State” hostile acts , will kill the hostages .

( Original title : ” Khorasan ” make the United States a new thriller “base ” organization ? )

Original link: http://news.163.com/14/0925/05/A6VEQJC700014SEH.html

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