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Attack on Kabul University Crime Against Humanity

By: Fateh Sami

Date: 9/11/2020

Afghanistan Proxy Peace is Dangerous for Stability of the Region. Therefore, the unity of the people of Afghanistan and the neighbouring countries’ joint action is required to nullify the orchestrated conspiracy of Pakistan.

The recent intensification of terror attacks, namely the November 2nd attack carried out on civilians and on Kabul University students, demonstrate the inhumane act of genocide. The hours-long assault was the second foray on Education Centres within weeks, killing over 30 young men and women and wounding many others. According to eyewitness around 400 people were killed but the death toll was underestimated by the authority. The slayers committed a genocide by such an act of cold- hearted raid on young men and women who were trying to build a future for themselves and their country. It was shocking for the people of Afghanistan and caused outrage inside and outside the country and widely condemned. The first Vice President Amrullah Saleh said, “The Taliban, their likeminded satanic allies in the next door [referring to Pakistan] won’t be ever able to wash their conscience of this stinking and non-justifiable attack on Kabul University.”

The rise in violence across the country comes as Taliban insurgents and Ashraf Ghani’s Government negotiators hold peace talks in the Gulf state of Qatar. The selected negotiators do not represent the whole population of Afghanistan. The US envoy, Khalilzad has been the major player in both proxy war and peace game for over two decades. He has been manipulating since his involvement in Afghanistan, lying and bullying, manipulating and false reporting about the real situation of Afghanistan to the American administration. Mr Khalilzad is totally a failed envoy. He is portraying a fictious image of the situation to the people of Afghanistan and to the American Administration, just in an effort to flesh out his own roster, tribal propensity and continues to deal and wheel with the criminal gang of Taliban, the Pakistani and its patrons’ mercenaries. No matter how cruelly the people of Afghanistan are stained with blood of their loved ones.

Pakistan and the United States have been directly involved for four decades in the issues of Afghanistan. Taliban are terror groups created in the religious Madrasa of Pakistan under the direct supervision of ISI, their families are all residing in Pakistan.

Since the Mujaheddin came into power they have been used for continuation of a proxy war in Afghanistan, killing thousands of people and ruining the country. If they are put in power, they will be used as proxy warriors in the region, in Kashmir, former USSR middle Asian nations, China and in Iran. They are closely monitored, financed, supported, and directed by foreign intelligence agencies, as Benazir Bhutto former Prime minister of Pakistan told a London based French newspaper Le Monde on 30th of October 2000, “ The idea to bring in the Taliban was from British, it was run by Americans, it was paid for by the Saudis, and I provided the equipment and implemented the plan.” (1)

The Afghan- American, Zalmay Khalilzad, has been acting as a US envoy for about ten months, behind closed door with the Taliban. He insisted on releasing 5500 Taliban criminal gangs from prisons as a precondition and as gesture of goodwill for the onset of the so- called Peace negotiation, cessation of violence and bloodshed. The prisoners committed various crimes such as abduction, explosions and suicidal attacks, mass killings, destruction of infrastructure including hospitals, bridges, and educational institutions. The released prisoners turned to the battlefield, intensifying violence under the name of peace. The attacks are being carried out almost on daily basis. The recent raids in Kandahar, Kabul University, Educational training Centre in the west of Kabul, explosion of car bomb in residential areas in Macrarayan-4 recently in which three people were killed including, Yama Seyawash and many others were seriously injured. Mr Seyawash was a renowned and talented young journalist, with a master’s degree in law and political science from University of Nevada, India. (2) These are all vivid examples of genocide against civilians only in Kabul city. But the Taliban bloodshed are continuing throughout the country. However, in the killing of Yama Seyawash the Government of Afghanistan is alleged as he was a critic of the government policy.

Currently Taliban are playing with two faces, the peace negotiator team in Qatar are repeatedly using the word of “peace” same as their proponents, like Gulbuddin Hekmatyar who committed genocide against Kabul citizens after the collapse of the pro-soviet government of Dr Najibullah. The other Taliban group, inside Afghanistan are unabatedly targeting civilians, intellectuals, and innocent people, committing heinous crimes and horrible bloodshed in Afghanistan. In view of most Afghan and foreign impartial politicians, observers, members of parliament, analysts, and common people Zalmay Khalilzad are responsible for wrong decisions in dealing with Taliban.

As Mr Efren, a perspicacious Afghan political Analyst put it “Doha – Qatar, the political base of US and Pakistani conspirators’ role as the operator of the blood mill in Afghanistan became clear like the day light. Now, even the main founders and perpetrators of this vestibule of death, such as Zalmay Khalilzad, explicitly express their despair over the hypocritical process and declare that this venue will not be open forever.

Khalilzad’s, the historic CIA agent in Afghanistan, unashamed remarks are whispered about Qatar’s bloody plans while it is openly moving a blood mill in Afghanistan. Taliban are being used by Pakistan as a war machine, in the guise of its proxy army

and the main locomotive of the conspiracy. Qatar peace talk has demonstrated just demagogy and jingoism.

Zalmay Khalilzad, and his trustworthy ally, Ashraf Ghani and Dr Abdullah, the forerunners of this so-called peace, can explain who are accountable for this great crime and catastrophe that turned Kabul University into a blood bath today?

For how long under the shadow of the “Emirate” and the “Republic”,(3) which both lines lead to Washington and Islamabad, should the people of Afghanistan, suffer and be annihilated under the machine of this proxy war?

The people of Afghanistan need the establishment of a truly broad based “national government” and a democracy whose main architect be the people of Afghanistan. Only such a government can be supported by the majority and ensure the national interests of the Afghan people, not as means to achieve the foreign strategic goals who are seeking to implement policies and programs for their looting and plundering our natural resources” , under the name of so called democracy – but actually a corrupt installed government.

The men, women, children, and students of Afghanistan are calling to Joe Biden, the President-elect and Kamal Harris- Vice president -elect to end the violence and proxy war in Afghanistan. The “Grim Era” of a corrupt Ashraf Ghani government, who has been delivering power in all government hierarchy to his own tribe of Ahmad Zai. The US policy in relation to Afghanistan needs to be reviewed to assist in establishing a broad-based government, in which everybody lives in a just and equal system.

Since the Bonn conference, the governments of Afghanistan installed under direct supervision and advice of Khalilzad, defamed the USA and its allies. As the continuous unrest, bloodshed and devastation have been going on in the country unabatedly during Ashraf Ghani tenure. Mainly because of incorrect advice of Zalmay Khalilzad, the people of Afghanistan experienced enormous calamity and misery. As you president Joe Biden, “pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify your people” , the people of Afghanistan expect the United States to change its policy and not support a corrupt group under leadership of an incompetent president Ashraf Ghani, if you want to make America respected in the eyes of the people of Afghanistan. End up the proxy war and as you mentioned in your speech,” America’s bent of the arc of the moral universe more toward justice.” It is an overdue obligation of America to end killing the innocent people of Afghanistan in this proxy war and peace business which did not happened for 19 years occupation.

Afghanistan Proxy Peace is Dangerous for Stability of the Region. Therefore, the unity of the people of Afghanistan and the neighbouring countries’ joint action is required to nullify the orchestrated conspiracy of Pakistan. Khalilzad the American Envoy has been another cause of the on-going chaotic situation in Afghanistan. Based on his tribal propensity to Taliban he is considered as the main conspirator and perpetrator of bloodshed in Afghanistan – He must go away. Email: fatehsami@hotmail.com

(1) https://af.shafaqna.com/FA/14826

(2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJEZ8naNxeA&ab_channel=PersianCity

(3) https://www.ariaye.com/dari17/siasi3/erfan4.html