نو کانتی ها،- مخالف سوسیالیسم و ماتریالیسم دیالکتیکی

neukantism.نو افلاتونی آرام بختیاری نو کانتی ها؛ نیم قرن میان مارکسیسم و…

غم دوشینه و سرنوشت نافرجام و دردناک مردم افغانستان

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید کشتی شکستگانیم ای بادشرطه برخیز  باشد که باز بینیم …

برگردان شعرهایی از ژنرال پاییز

زنده‌یاد “محمدعمر عثمان” ملقب به “ژنرال پاییز” در سال ۱۹۵۷…

خلق در دانه لری - مرواریت های ناب

قۉشیق ( دو بیتی )   داکتر فیض الله ایماق باید گفت که،…

آشتی کردن طالبان با مردم افغانستان، راهی برای پایان جنگ…

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید زهر پاشی های قومی و زبانی و توطیۀ…

 ترجمه‌ی شعرهایی از سردار قادر 

استاد "سردار قادر" (به کُردی: سه‌ردار قادر)، شاعر کُرد زبان،…


 نوشته نذیر ظفر شــــــــد مــــدتی که ورد زبانم ترانه نیست آوای مــــن…

چشم براه وحدت

            چشمم براه  وحدت  پیوند وهمد لی جانم فدای وحدت وصد ق…

دوحه سر دوحه، پروسه های پیچیده و آرمانهای خشکیده 

نوشته از بصیر دهزاد  سومین کنفرانس در دوحه  درست سه هفته…

کور و نابینایان خرد

تقدیم به زن ستیز های بدوی و ملا های اجیر، آن…

فضیلت سیاسی و افغانستان

در نخست بدانیم٬ ماکیاولی در شهریار و گفتارها٬ در واقع…

بهای سنگین این خاموشی پیش از توفان را طالبان خواهند…

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید طالبان بیش از این صبر مردم افغانستان را…

گلایه و سخن چندی با خالق یکتا

خداوندا ببخشایم که از دل با تومیخواهم سخن رانم هراسانم که…

(ملات گاندی در مورد امام حسین

باسم تعالى در نخست ورود ماه محرم و عاشوراء حسينى را…

جهان بی روح پدیداری دولت مستبد

دولت محصولی از روابط مشترك المنافع اعضاء جامعه می باشد٬ که…

ضانوردان ناسا یک سال شبیه‌سازی زندگی در مریخ را به…

چهار فضانورد داوطلب ناسا پس از یک سال تحقیق برای…

پاسخی به نیاز های جدید یا پاسخی به مخالفان

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید آغاز بحث بر سر اینکه قرآن حادث است و…

طالبان، پناهگاه امن تروریسم اسلامی

سیامک بهاری شورای امنیت سازمان ملل: ”افغانستان به پناهگاه امن القاعده و…

  نور خرد

 ازآن آقای دنیا بر سر ما سنگ باریده عدوی جان ما…

عرفان با 3 حوزه شناخت/ ذهن، منطق، غیب

دکتر بیژن باران با سلطه علم در سده 21،…


Kabul-e-News: Legs for Kids, Beautiful Afghanistan

20 August 2014 – Number 301

A weekly summary of good news and development news about Afghanistan with a circulation
of more than 17,000 and a Facebook presence
of 59,869 readers

Kabul-e-News is not responsible for the content of articles on any external internet sites. The views expressed are those of the authors and publishers alone. We provide a summary of news about Afghanistan which is published on the internet by a variety of news services.

To email your news  CLICK HERE
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Give Afghan Kids
A Leg to Stand On – ALTSO

ALTSO organisation needs your vote to enable them to provide 165 Afghan children with limb disabilities the free orthopedic care they need to access the opportunities mobility offers. If they get enough votes they will provide free prosthetic limbs, orthotic devices and physiotherapy to 165 children in Afghanistan. This will enable the children to have access to the opportunity to be self-sufficient, have the physical ability to attend school and improve their self-esteem.  YOU CAN VOTE BY GOING TO THE KIND WEBSITE HERE>>>

Beautiful Afghanistan

Photographer Steve McCurry has been photographing the people, culture and landscape of Afghanistan since the late 1970s. His atmospheric pictures document a country which remains stunningly beautiful despite decades of devastating conflict.  See some of his beautiful photographs (and one not so beautiful one) here>>>  and See his Website with more photographs here>>>

Afghanistan in Photos

This is a website with many beautiful photographs of Afghanistan. Well worth a visit. See the Site>>>

  About Mariam

I was born and raised here in Kabul. My father worked in a shop that made wood-burning Afghan heaters. Sometimes when I was a little girl, my older brother and I would be working with him in the shop. My father was a big hand in back of my success. After a while, the civil war came and we went to live with my uncle in Pakistan. For 11 years we lived there and that’s where I finished my school. When the Taliban were expelled, we came back to Kabul. Read Miriam’s story Here>>>


The English Writer Kabul

 An English writer and editor is available for a wide variety of your English writing needs. The writer has extensive experience in Afghanistan and in writing proposals, applications, reports and media releases, etc., for both foreign and local organisations.  Training in these activities can also be offered to your staff members. Charges are low. Contact details:englishwriterkabul@gmail.com
or 079 943 1087



Join Afghanistan Cricket Board on Facebook with 220,159 fans

Be a part of the biggest movement of young people in Afghanistan and the largest peaceful activity in the country.



Afghanistan Football Federation

 Come and join the Afghanistan Football Federations facebook page with more than
97,583 fans.
Football needs yours support.



Afghanistan Enjoys IT

In an image quite at odds with what most Westerns think of Afghanistan, the country now has a dynamic information technology industry. Eighty-six percent of Afghanistan’s 30 million people have access to cellular networks, 22 million Afghans are mobile phone users and mobile banking is on the rise. Currently 20 of the 34 provincial capitals have 3G access that equates to roughly 1 million 3G users, and the number is growing rapidly. More>>>

  Kabul’s Art Café & Restaurant

Kabul’s Art Cafe and Restaurant is a sign of cultural change occurring in Afghanistan.  The café is one of a cluster of hip hangouts that have opened in a busy commercial section of west Kabul, attracting a mix of students, artists, journalists and other young sophisticates. Police have kept a watchful eye for alcohol and other infractions, but until last week, there had been no serious confrontations.More>>>

  The Little Book of Kabul

The authors of this new book say that it will tell you “All you need to know” about Kabul. The Little Book of Kabul is a limited edition of 500 copies. Yes, you got it right only 500 exemplars of the book exist and each one is signed and stamped. The publishers say: “Ideally we would love to hand deliver each copy – a bit idealistic, but hey! It could be amazing to meet each one of you personally. We are based in Kabul, are Italian and happen to travel – so there could be different opportunities.” To find our more, go to their Website Here>>>>

Afghanistan’s elections:
Ghani vs Abdullah

The Afghan elections are now over, yet the recount of 8.1 million votes due to allegations of mass fraud is progressing slowly, with no clear winner yet in sight. Both Ghani and Abdullah are competent leaders and viable partners for the international community. This article explores how the backgrounds of both candidates may impact the credibility of the election outcome and what that would mean for Afghanistan’s future.More>>>

Sri Lanka and Afghanistan
Strengthening Relations

Aug 17, Colombo: Sri Lanka and Afghanistan have agreed to further strengthen the friendly relations between the two countries and jointly work in various sectors when Sri Lanka’s new Ambassador to Afghanistan met with the Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai Saturday in Kabul. President Karzai accepted credentials of first Sri Lankan Ambassador to Kabul, Prasad Kariyawasam, in a ceremony at presidential palace yesterday, the official Bakhtar News reported. More>>>

  In Emergency

Kabul’s Emergency Surgical Center for Victims of War isn’t just an apt description of the hospital’s cases; it’s also the name of the Italy-based charity that runs war hospitals and clinics across Afghanistan.Besides its Kabul center, “Emergency” operates two other major hospitals in Afghanistan, one in Lashkar Gah and one in Panjshir. They also operate 43 clinics and all patients are treated free of charge. The remarkable fact is that locals, the Taliban, and the government all want the work of these hospitals and clinics to continue. More>>>

Medical Equipment given
to Kandahar Hospital

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – Seventy pallet-sized containers full of approximately $600,000 worth of medical equipment and supplies categorized as excess personal property were donated by ISAF southern office. Afghan doctors and U.S. personnel identified that Mirwais Hospital had a significant deficit of supplies and has struggled to meet its own healthcare supply needs and was a worthy donation candidate. More>>>

  Dead Afghan immigrant in UK Seeking a New Life

Friends of an immigrant who died in a shipping container bound for Britain says his family attempted the dangerous journey from Afghanistan because Sikhs do not feel safe there. At a temple where the family worshipped in Jalalabad, the friends said no-one would give Sikhs work in Afghanistan and said they faced many threats, including kidnap. More>>>