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My view on war in Afghanistan

Written : by Taus  Mohammed PhD in philosophy  in London .
Our  decent  , innocent people  and  Afghan  army are fighting 37 years for their freedom , security and prosperity , unfortunately the Pakistan , Iran , Saudi Arabia ,American and all NATO countries  didn’t want peace and stability in our country , what is the reason of continuation of war ??  we the people of Afghanistan didn’t capture other countries territories , not attach foreign country , during  the cold war the NATO with  the collaboration of America they send 23 000 ribble fanatic Arabic Muslim and other mercenaries with the leadership of leadership  of ( Osama Bin Ladin )Leader  of Alqaida ,  to Afghanistan , to slam or  defeat PD PA  regime , since then tell to day they know the place  of training – living – education – arms- and terrorist training for Mujaheddin and Taliban, that mean Pakistan tribal area (( that mean our  territory where the British divided us By Durand Line which is not approved by any means and we the Afghan dont accepted  at all , our border with Pakistan will be the  (( ATAK  River  )) and the sea port of Afghanistan is ( GUADER )   I knew the Taliban couldn’t win the war , I knew that the fanatic Muslim or the Fanatic Muslim leaders of Afghanistan shouldn’t  win the war and the people  of America- the peoples of European countries also knew that Taliban and ( IS ) will not succeeds in Afghanistan , then why the leaders of NATO countries  continuing war inside Afghanistan , I am saying to the Leaders of some western countries like ,( Obama –  Oland – Mirkel -Divid Cameron , and other  leaders of NATO countries  ) ,  each country signed special   peace and security contract with Afghanistan , regarding peace and stability in Afghanistan , and you haven’t stop the war , you haven’t order Pakistan to stop intervention in side Afghanistan , you didn’t mentioned to the Pakistan  president if your country dont stop sending Taliban or Daish to Afghanistan we will start fighting against Pakistan , mean while the president and the prieminister of Afghanistan were  also  designated  by  you , the USSR  made weapons and Technic was dis tried by your air force , all we knows why ?? , most of those weapons  were  send by your army to your countries , now you didn’t give Helicopters and fighting Jet  ( f- 16 – f- 17 – F – 35 – F – 22 ) or other new and modern weapons , because you are keeping and sporting   morally and financially  Taliban and Daish , we knew Taliban couldn’t win the war , but your country continued supports  them , Afghanistan all TV ch-anal and Radios and news papers  announcing daily casualties  of our soldiers and our innocent civil  people  and children s ,  in Afghanistan .
The war in Afghanistan is in the news almost every day, and it’s hard to escape the images of villagers caught  during the continuation  of  the conflict. With a growing Taliban insurgency centered in the south and southeast  and in the North  of Afghanistan , the violence continues to escalate  further , I was 5 month inside Kabul  from 15th of April  to  September 15th ,2016 ,  I interview  government  leaders, military personnel, tribal elders and villagers lots of peoples in Kabul regarding the situation in Afghanistan , all of then says one things that why american dont stop Pakistan , why American dont stop Taliban , why American dont stop supporting  Taliban and Daish ??
 Money is siphoned off by corrupt government officials, which fuels anti-government sentiment in the people who are supposed to benefit from that aid. On the other hand, regions that are relatively stable receive much less aid than unstable areas—and that’s a mistake  too,  because people feel like they are being penalized for maintaining security. Aid programs, I say , need to focus on humanitarian and developmental needs instead of security goals.
I born  and raised  in  Speen warsak Tangi  In wardak province of Afghanistan ,Studied in velege school tell years 6 , then went to Military high-school , then Military Academy – then Course Ali — then Ganralstaff in INDIA – then Political degree in USSR , Master Degree in History in USSR ,my doctoral thesis was on   Afghanistan politics PhD in Philosophy in USSR ,
Security is the number-one desire of Afghans  peoples  and the international community   which done nothing on this issue ,  If american and their NATO countries   build factory and build Electrical Hydrolic Dombs over ( Kokcha  river  in Badakhshan  , over Panjsher river , over Helmand rever , over Kuner river ) I think  your development aid to try to achieve  benefits from these project   will help  reduce poverty,   fighting or the lack of infrastructure and health care in Afghanistan, all these  are major causes of the conflict. All those things are important, but that’s not what’s driving the conflict.
The more money you  try to spend inevitably money overflows into the pockets of corrupt officials, mostly in the pocket of Mujaheddin leaders and commanders or war lards  and all of then  who  were brought on power by American and other western countries ,  leaders  in  Afghanistan , now they are milioners , the most famous  corrupt   and brutal killers are  those who massacre 70,000  Kabul y in 3 days  by Hizbe Jmiat   Ahmad  Sha Masood and Abdullah Abdullah  to days  second leader of the Government , and Hizbe Islami of Gulduddin Hekmatyar  both  are  close friends  of America , (( Abdulrasul Sayaf – Yonus Qanuni – Ismaeel Khan – Abdullah abdullah – Besmillah Mohammadi – Atamohammad Noor – Qadeer Zaher – Ziya Masood – Wali Masood – Rabani son – Hamid Karzai – Mohmood Karzai – Umar Dawoodzai – Rahim Wardak – Sebghatullah Mojadadi – Pir Gailani – Haji Almas – Ibrahimi –  Muslimyar – Ayoob Salangi – Hikmatyar – Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq – Ustad Khalili – Nabi Brother of Khalili – son of Marshal Fahim –    Hasin  Brther of marshal Fahim  – momtaz land   tyrant – Registani – Ganral Dostum –   khan  Mohammad –  Sarwar  Danish – Amrullah  Saleh – Anwarulhaq Ahadi  – Umar Zakhelwall – jailani  Popal — Zarar Ahmad moqbel –Farooq  Wardak –  and mony more))  ????  , and let me asked the International  Court of Hague in Holland or in ( Nederland ) , why you the dignities gudges  are colme and  silent ???  what is your  humanitarian duty or job regarding this Mater ????????, also let me asked the people of Europe and America or other NATO Countries  just simply tell me why are you paying Tax  for  your Government , why dont you asked your Government , where our tax money going , why by your money killing innocent Afghan ????? and why you dont blame enemy of whole Humanbing  in the region ( Pakistan ) for  suicide r   and killers who are killing daily Afghan people .
What do Afghans view as the cause of the conflict?
I just got back from Afghanistan in September 2015 , and spent some time in some provinces,  like Kabul  , Paktika  and Herat , which is quite badly affected by the insurgency. I was interviewing Afghans on their perceptions of insecurity and american aid ,It was interesting the number of people who thought that what was fueling insecurity was not the Taliban, but their own corrupt  government with the head of Ashraf  Ghani  and Abdullah Abdullah , and ineffective government, members , police and judges.
How did we get into this mess?
Certainly early on serious mistakes were made, first of all in Bon Canferance , after  fall of Taliban , when the American choos Hamid Karzai , when the American kept all lutters , killers , and warlords as their close allied , also  during the Election between Ashrafghani and Abdullah they shouldn’t make a big mistake forming a coalition corrupt Government ,  A few weeks after 9/11, you   invaded Afghanistan with U.N. Security Council support and defeated the Taliban.and  you allowed  The Northern Alliance  to brutally massicar   2000  Taliban inside the conteners and then were buried in a vally in Dashte Laily  why your American troopd allowed them , now Mr Bush should go to court and be prosecuted for the massecar of Taliban with the leaders of Mudjahiddin .  But our objectives then were pretty narrowly focused on defeating the Taliban and Al-Qaeda and on the war on terror  inside Afghanistan . There wasn’t much of a strategy beyond that, then why you change your plan and program  and 180 degree turn toward  the idaia of ( ISI  ) which said to you arm heavily and properly Taliban , because they are the best agent and best killer you haven’t seen before , and the ( CIA ) inject lots of money and weapons to Taliban and  Pakistan as well , because your gole wasn’t  secure and stable Afghanistan , your gole was how to divide  Afghanistan in four peace or 4 countries , which Hamid Karzai  reject your plan,  correct or not ???
As a quick-fix solution, you  basically re-armed all the warlords who were willing to fight the Taliban. But they were the very ones who gave birth to the Taliban in the first place, since people were so fed up with the warlords. Most Afghans held them accountable for most of the instability of the previous 20 years. So very quickly American  brought back to power some of the most unpopular and discredited individuals from the past, and they became the backbone of this new government that many Afghans see as part of the problem, rather than part of the solution.
What is the solution?
If we’re ever going to have any success in Afghanistan, it’s going to be due to some kind of political reconciliation, that mean the government of AshrafGhani should  be  resigned  or dismissed,and should fixed new cabinet with new president not from Mujaheddin , and the defense minister should  stand  Taus Mohammed PhD   the writer of this  ARTICAL , ,because now when you build Road in difficult situation you should give money to Taliban  friends of American and other Nato countries   as well  , and most money goose to this expanses  this is the reason ,you should fixed me as a defense minister to stop Taliban from interventions ,  also the namenated warlords named  above should be  prosecuted   in Huge Courts in Nederland .
There are   Afghan  Taliban, and there are  Afghan Taliban  belong to Pakistan , There are some Talibs who are ideologically very committed; they need to fight this jihad. There are some who find it convenient to call themselves Taliban to intimidate other people. There are criminal Taliban, who use it as a guise to be highway bandits. There are tribal disputes where one group gets patronized by the government or the international community, so rival tribes—to maintain their power—have to align themselves with the Taliban. So you have people who are falling under the label of Taliban for many different reasons.
This is where we need much more nuanced political analysis, and I think that’s where the local knowledge and working and deal making at the local level are critically important. Because today’s Talib is tomorrow’s ally, and the next day’s Talib again. It’s a very fluid political situation.
The  Solution  for the Afghan conflict are as follows ::
1 – every body knows that the cow is black and the milk is white , that mean all insurgencies are living – training – treated- feeding – receiving arms and amunations – money and supports from America, Pakistan ,  and Saudi Arabia , and no one can shut his eyes , this is the reality you should accepted .
2 – American – China should put their full power and influence on Pakistan and also on Taliban that without any doubt should pot their weapons and come to peace and stability .
3 – Taliban  should accept  constitution of Afghanistan and government .
4 – Taliban should be disarm completely , if any group dont hand over their arms should be destroyed
5 – Government of AshrafGhani   should ,  resigned  and new government  should give Taliban some province , some Ministries , some commanding  rolls  if they deserved and they have such capacity and educated  people  .
In the end I hope world leaders should consider my artical as  a  whole solution for today’s solution for the Afghanistan Conflict over Afghanistan .