خلق در دانه لری - مرواریت های ناب

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نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید زهر پاشی های قومی و زبانی و توطیۀ…

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Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!


Today’s world from my view point and personal imagination!
The world is in the hand of a few wealthy and rich people who are sometimes happy and sometimes unhappy with each other. These people are the kinds of wild pigs that eat blood and money instead of grass. They are eating day and night and never want to be satisfied. They are making money which is contaminated with blood and gunpowder smoke.
One time they are making fundamentalists, one time Taliban, one time ISIS, one time using Islam name, one time Christianity, one time Jewish , one time democracy, one time freedom , one time ….. And by the name of these words, they are destroying the cities, killing the human beings but earning money which is clad with human blood.
Children, women, men are brutally being killed every day. Israel is killing human beings by the name of Palestinian and Muslim, Muslims are killing human beings by the name of Jews; ISIS is killing people by the name of Shia and Shia is killing Suni, Taliban is killing human beings by the name of Afghans, Al-Qaida is killing human beings by the name of Americans and Westerns, and Western are killing human beings by the name of Al-Qaida, Ukrainian is killing Russians and Russians are killing Ukrainians, Burma is killing Muslims and Muslims are killing others by the name of religion.
Millions of people are being displaced, losing their children in the seas, aiming o reach safe places.
Still half of the world population, over three billion people live with an income of less than two US Dollars a day. The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the 41 heavily indebted poor countries (millions people) is less than the wealth of the world’s seven richest people combined.
Nearly a billion people in this 21 century are unable to read and write even their name.
Less than one percent of what the world is spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school.
More than 1 billion children live in poverty (1 in 2 children in the world), millions live without adequate shelter and millions have no access to safe water.
Millions have no access to health service and several human beings are daily dying before they reach the age of five years old.
It is for us to think deeply in these concerns and find the remedy for all these issues. Thus we are human beings and…
If you think that you are neutral and clean and innocent, it is wrong, you are indirectly more like these wild pigs, because you see human beings are being killed and tortured and the world is going down to the ground but still you are watching and laughing and not getting action so you are not human beings.
“Human beings are members of a whole, in creation of one essence and soul. If one member is afflicted with pain, other members uneasy will remain. If you have no empathy for human pain, the name of human you cannot retain”
– Saadi Shirazi
Ramin Ahmadyar
12/ 20/2015