نو کانتی ها،- مخالف سوسیالیسم و ماتریالیسم دیالکتیکی

neukantism.نو افلاتونی آرام بختیاری نو کانتی ها؛ نیم قرن میان مارکسیسم و…

غم دوشینه و سرنوشت نافرجام و دردناک مردم افغانستان

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید کشتی شکستگانیم ای بادشرطه برخیز  باشد که باز بینیم …

برگردان شعرهایی از ژنرال پاییز

زنده‌یاد “محمدعمر عثمان” ملقب به “ژنرال پاییز” در سال ۱۹۵۷…

خلق در دانه لری - مرواریت های ناب

قۉشیق ( دو بیتی )   داکتر فیض الله ایماق باید گفت که،…

آشتی کردن طالبان با مردم افغانستان، راهی برای پایان جنگ…

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید زهر پاشی های قومی و زبانی و توطیۀ…

 ترجمه‌ی شعرهایی از سردار قادر 

استاد "سردار قادر" (به کُردی: سه‌ردار قادر)، شاعر کُرد زبان،…


 نوشته نذیر ظفر شــــــــد مــــدتی که ورد زبانم ترانه نیست آوای مــــن…

چشم براه وحدت

            چشمم براه  وحدت  پیوند وهمد لی جانم فدای وحدت وصد ق…

دوحه سر دوحه، پروسه های پیچیده و آرمانهای خشکیده 

نوشته از بصیر دهزاد  سومین کنفرانس در دوحه  درست سه هفته…

کور و نابینایان خرد

تقدیم به زن ستیز های بدوی و ملا های اجیر، آن…

فضیلت سیاسی و افغانستان

در نخست بدانیم٬ ماکیاولی در شهریار و گفتارها٬ در واقع…

بهای سنگین این خاموشی پیش از توفان را طالبان خواهند…

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید طالبان بیش از این صبر مردم افغانستان را…

گلایه و سخن چندی با خالق یکتا

خداوندا ببخشایم که از دل با تومیخواهم سخن رانم هراسانم که…

(ملات گاندی در مورد امام حسین

باسم تعالى در نخست ورود ماه محرم و عاشوراء حسينى را…

جهان بی روح پدیداری دولت مستبد

دولت محصولی از روابط مشترك المنافع اعضاء جامعه می باشد٬ که…

ضانوردان ناسا یک سال شبیه‌سازی زندگی در مریخ را به…

چهار فضانورد داوطلب ناسا پس از یک سال تحقیق برای…

پاسخی به نیاز های جدید یا پاسخی به مخالفان

نویسنده: مهرالدین مشید آغاز بحث بر سر اینکه قرآن حادث است و…

طالبان، پناهگاه امن تروریسم اسلامی

سیامک بهاری شورای امنیت سازمان ملل: ”افغانستان به پناهگاه امن القاعده و…

  نور خرد

 ازآن آقای دنیا بر سر ما سنگ باریده عدوی جان ما…

عرفان با 3 حوزه شناخت/ ذهن، منطق، غیب

دکتر بیژن باران با سلطه علم در سده 21،…


Kabul-e-News 293‏

30 April 2014 – Number 293

A weekly summary of good news and development news about Afghanistan with a circulation of more than 18,000 and a Facebook presence of 44,800+

Kabul-e-News is not responsible for the content of articles on any external internet sites. The views expressed are those of the authors and publishers alone. We provide a summary of news about Afghanistan which is published on the internet by a variety of news services.

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Kabul-e-News Annual Break
abul-e-News will be taking its annual recess during the month of May
and will return to publication in June.
 Election Runoff Likely, Early Results SuggestKABUL – Afghanistan’s presidential elections look likely to go to a runoff between an ex-minister and World Bank executive after voting figures on Tuesday suggested no clear winner has emerged. With 50 percent of votes counted so far it is still not clear who will succeed President Hamid Karzai.  Former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah still leads with 44.4 percent of votes cast, followed by World Bank official and ex- finance minister Ashraf Ghani with 33.2 percent, while Karzai’s favored candidate, Zalmai Rasoul, trails behind with 10 percent. More>>>
Skateistan in Afghanistan

It’s a job plenty of people would dream of, and it’s not your typical nine-to-five. Oliver Percovich is the founder of Skateistan, a non-profit organisation that uses skateboarding to connect with children around the world. It’s something he started after following his girlfriend to Kabul to work as a researcher. However stepping out for a quick skate one night instantly captivated the local kids and led to a life of its own.  More>>>

  Jaghori and Bamyan’s Orphanages

Three decades of war resulted in a high number of people dying or missing. Many children lost their parents or were separated from them. Additional children are often treated as household servants and free child labour. Orphans girls are in a particularly vulnerable position. Considering this reality, Shuhada Organization has established 3 orphanages in Bamyan and Ghazni provinces that house 186 girls and boys. The children are cared by nine widows who live within the facility.  More>>>

  Kids of Kabul

This book of interviews between Deborah Ellis and the kids of Kabul is heart wrenching and eye opening. We all hear of the injustices of Afghanistan rule, especially towards women and children, but hearing firsthand accounts of children really gives the reader a new perspective. The children of Kabul want to learn so eagerly that they will study in secret!  More>>>


The English Writer Kabul

 An English writer and editor is available for a wide variety of your English writing needs. The writer has extensive experience in Afghanistan and in writing proposals, applications, reports and media releases, etc., for both foreign and local organisations.  Training in these activities can also be offered to your staff members. Charges are low. Contact details:englishwriterkabul@gmail.com
or 079 943 1087



Join Afghanistan Cricket Board on Facebook with 206,000+ fans

Be a part of the biggest movement of young people in Afghanistan and the largest peaceful activity in the country.


  National “A” Team Prepare For Pakistan Tour

The Kabul Stadium has been non-stop activity this week as the National “A” Team takes part in a coaching camp preparing for a tour to Pakistan.  The camp is being led by the team’s coaches under the expert guidance of Australian Coach, Peter Anderson. “Some of these young players have great potential as future National Team members,” Peter said as he watched the net practice, “We have some excellent young bowlers and batsmen here. This looks good for the future and makes me think that Test Cricket is not too far away.”  More>>>

  Women’s Wheelchair Basketball

Recently the  2014 Afghanistan Women’s National Championship was held at the newly built ICRC gymnasium in Kabul. This was the first time the two cities have played against each other in official-length five-on-five competition and the first time the games have taken place in an indoor setting with a real scoreboard, shot clocks and no dust storms. It was the dawning of a new level of professionalism for wheelchair basketball in Afghanistan, and wonderful that the women were the ones to usher it into being.  More>>>


Afghanistan Football Federation

 Come and join the Afghanistan Football Federations facebook page with more than 11,200 fans. Football needs yours support.




WFP Food Assistance

The World Food Programme provides emergency food assistance to vulnerable people in informal settlements in Kabul. The informal settlement in Sarak Panj Proja Tamani is just one of around 50 settlements in Kabul, housing anywhere from a few families to over 6,000 people. But most Kabul Informal Settlements (KIS) share some similarities: poor access to clean drinking and household water, poor hygiene and sanitation. More>>>

  Floods Death Toll: 127

Afghanistan floods death toll rises to 127MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanistan — At least 127 people died and hundreds of villagers were displaced after flash floods ravaged northern Afghanistan, disaster authorities said Sunday. The deputy governor of Afghanistan’s northern Jowzjan province told that as a result of the flood at least 66 people had died, 36 are missing and another 15,000 had been displaced. Initial reports indicate that Jowzjan is the worst affected province in the region. More>>>

  Interview with
Professor Seifuddin Sayhoun

In the interview he says “I am proud to say that it was a woman — my mother — who decided my fate. My mother sent me to school, while my father wanted to send me to a religious school. I praise her, because I was not old enough to decide. She made the decision for me. Fortunately, we all benefited from the wisdom of a woman who supported her children to continue to the highest educational levels. These days, I owe much of my life to my wife, who is herself a well-educated woman.” More>>>

UCA, Aga Khan Foundation
Support Badakhshan University

The University of Central Asia (UCA) and Aga Khan Foundation, Afghanistan, which are both part of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), on April 19 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Badakhshan University (BU) in Afghanistan to establish a continuing education unit at BU. Under the agreement, UCA’s School of Continuing and Professional Education (SPCE) will develop the professional competencies of instructors who will teach in the BU Continuing Education Unit, leading to their international certification.  More>>>

  Big Hole in Afghan Budget

(Reuters) – A $375 million hole in the Afghan budget is threatening public projects and civil servants’ salaries, officials say, putting the aid-dependent economy under stress just as Afghanistan awaits a new leader and foreign troops prepare to go home. “If the political situation of the country does not become normal and businesses do not start again soon this problem will become even more worrying,” Alhaj Muhammad Aqa, director general of the treasury at the finance ministry, told Reuters on Wednesday. More>>>