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To the world leaders and the United Nation Secretary General

Written By Taus Mohammed PhD, from UK ,now  in Canada Toronto July 28th  2016

Dear Sir or Madam Hi evry body .

As you are aware of the Mujahideen and Taliban which were created by Pakistan , with  the full cooperation and  finance  support  and arm arsenal of ( Saudi Arabia and USA and other western Countries from ( 1979- 89 ) , against the occupation of Soviet union , just because of defeating the Democratic Regime , headed by Noormohammad Taraki and Babrak Karmal , meanwhile the ( CIA and the ISI ) , brought and collect 23000 Muslim  fanatic and terrorist Arab fighters  with the Head of Usama Bin Ladin ,the former fornografer in Berute  when he was teen agers , on that early years Mujahideen were told even shown by Mrs  Margaret Thatcher  in Peshawar  show  by Kalashnikov  how to kill Afghan Communist , the exact  target  was to defeat the Democratic Regime of the ( PDPA) ,and not Allowed the Soviet Union to expand Communist Regime all over the world ,the real game was fighting between  the two Camps ( Warsa and Nato ) countries ,they were continuing cold war ,most intelligent and educated professional Afghan knows the objective  of the NATO countries with the collaboration of American , how to defeat their enemy and how to bring on power their allies or their dirty fanatic Muslims Mujahideen and Taliban ,for Pakistan it was very simple to bring all young teen agers in Waziristan , in Khyber Pakhtoon khwah , in south and East of Afghanistan ( 4 provence in East , three in south east ( Zabul – Kandahar and Helmand ) ,because these area were under the direct influence of Mullah and Elderly Heavy weight people and the Big feudals and were commanding and manipulated by them ,in the very early years during the roll of Babrak Karmal , Pakistan was eager and insisted to American  president Mr Ronald Rigan , to dismiss  Babrak Karmal and fix instead of him anyone else from the Polit Bureau by any means , or how it could be posibele , after bringing on power Dr Najibullah , pakistan use his right hand maneger big Mojahid ( Gulbuddin Hekmatyar , Hekmatyar used his members in Khalq Fraction high ranking Officers like ( Shanawaz Tanai – Niaz Mohammad Momand , Qader AQa , General Hamza Pilot , General Hashim Saranwal , General Aziz Rahman , and many more which you knows from the Media , againsta Dr Najibullah and they tried to bring down him by Coup D’etat , which was defeated by Dr Najibullah strong members for prty , After that Mujahidin leaders like ( Ahmad Shah Massoud and Hekmatyar) tried Pakistan to convince American president to  council with USSR regarding an other game , like ( USSR will leave Germany and withdraw from Afghanistan , and Dr Najib should hand over power to Mujahideen , and mujahideen also will give chance to Hazrat Mujaddid , as a first President of Mujahideen , it was the determination of Peshawar Samith which was hild by all leaders of Mujahidin and by the control of American – Pakistan – Saudi Arabia ) ,Mujahiddin came on powerand  Dr Najibullah escape and was return by Dostum forces and Karmal Fractions with the head of Ahmad Shah masood  and was applied for Asylum to UNHCR  office in Afghanistan, mujahideen start fighting between them selve for getting more wealth and divide between them the area of Kabul ,Kabul was brutally destroyed and were face to dust and smoke and were killed thousand of innocent Afghan , half of them were Raped by Mujahideen ,and all leaders of mujahideen were not listening to Pakistan specially ( Tajik – Hazara – Uzbak ) fractions , , Pakistan analyze the situation of Afghanistan and their dream was not fullfill  by Mujahideen , so they brought the reserve power ( Taliban with the direct helpe of Pakistan Commando on power in Kandahar , and raise their Flag and announced their regime ( Emarat Islami Afghanistan ) with the head of Mullah Umar  one Eye ,  the Saudi Arabia and the American and Pakistan  government  recognise them or accept them as a legitimate  Emirate Afghanistan , they start conquer or capture one by one provinces of Afghanistan ,Ahmad Shah Masood start talking with them, and Taliban did not accept Masood as a Leader of Mujahideen without fighting Masood left Kabul for Parvan or Panjsher , Taliban Brutally defeat all those who were opposing them , Masood was retreated to Panjshir valley , and Taliban captured Mazar E Sharif with the help of Abdul Malik Brother of Rasoole  be  Khuda , and General Dostum escape to Turkey , in this time Brother of Masood Wali Masood which was Ambassador in London and Dr Abdullah and Masood himself start a big devastating game with Great Britain which had long history and canning policy and how to defeat Taliban by any mean ( making artificial case  and term  for  capturing Afghanistan then Masood was invited to France by his lady  girl friend  Dr  of French national  which she was always with him in Panjshir valley , in France his interpreter was Abdullah Abdullah  The French Government organise  a conference for , Masood, when one Journalist asked Masood how much persent Territory you have on your hand and how much do have Taliban ??, Masood says 30% and Dr Abdullah as interpreter translet it 50% ,then Wali Masood convince Mr Jack Straw  the former Foreign secretary of the UK to make a Brave decision  and the Tony Blair  PM of UK on that time and the G W Bush with the non realistic and not concret klue , they destroyed Twin Towers in New York and killed 3000 Americans , and by this big Game the American and UK start bombing Afghanistan from De  go Garcia or other army Base they had allover the world , that mean Al Qaeda – Bin Laden is a big  danger and  to America and his allied ,Afghan land was shoot or hit by Tamagaki and Cruise Missile , it was an open attack and open invasion against the Afghan peoples , After that they went by B-52 to Bagram Air Base and there the Mujahideen of Ahmad Shah and Hotak they are from Kohe Safi Pashtun ,  react and capture the Officers and the soldiers which were gone to Capture and lead their army in coming hours and days , , you can see the invasion of Afghanistan by American in Video available in Youtube , Jackstraw said to Dr Abdullah stop these people , and Abdullah says we were agreed on 100 soldiers and officers , now there are whole army , then Abdullah received 85 Million Dollars and said to his Jamiat mudjahidin don’t disturb american movement in Afghanistan and with the Help of Northern Alliance leaders ( Rabani – Dostum – Mohaqiq – Said Mansoor Naderi ) then American start defeat Taliban and bombed by B-52 and F-16 and other fighter jits , I remember when one bomb was fall down on the head of Dostum Soldiers in Bala Hesar Mazar E Sharif , General  Alime  Razom said in his Satellite Phone  ( Very wrong ,very wrong ) Razom was commanding and giving coordinate to B-52  where to bombard ,  finally by the help of Harrison CIA representative in the north of Afghanistan  Taliban and Pakistani commandos were evacuated by 10-12 flight of Pakistani Air force from Kunduz Air base , Amrullah saleh on that time was the Khad chief in Kunduz told  to Harson that Pakistani commandos and Taliban Leaders are flying by Pakistani air force, and Harrison did not answer to Amrullah saleh  only Harrison saw that Amrullah Saleh Smoking Hashish or Cannabis

, .

My question is,  why Nato with the head of CIA  and American army have Dabull policy and doing Double Game , that meant  American  Supporting real terrorist country ( Pakistan and Taliban and on the other Hand Afghan Government ) ???  and tell to day   (( pakistan was supported financially and arm with your money and your arms , pakistan was and is now your allies in fighting in Afghanistan, everybody knows , existing  terrorist camp , terrorist lived , Taliban and Haqqani family and fighters lived in Pashtoonkhwa  territory this land  is historically belong to Afghanistan, now controlling by Pakistan under the name of Durand Line which no one Afghan government accept it, Pakistan is totally supported by UK and USA ,the Tribal area  is full of Daish and Taliban which are training by ( ISI ) officers , all terrorist  are training by Pakistan , Daish were created by American , Mujahideen were supported by you and Saudi Arabia ,Taliban were brutally defeated by Northern Alliance and G W Bush that mean American  Army contingent troops  and after that  were shot dead in Container by Dawood Dawood command and  then they were Massacred , and buried completely in one trench ,in Hairatan area,  no Hague Court not UN community Condemned  your Brutality action against Taliban , now again your country supporting Taliban and Daish ,Hekmatyar and Haqqani ,NATO is a superpower and have all kind of intelligence equipment , Satellite , Drone and more choices to find even under ground those leaders and killed them but you didn’t ,do it , because your goal is yet not fulfil or completed  , and the Afghan on daily bases giving more than 100 of his people dead  , what does it means , ?? that mean you are continuing war in Afghanland , for your final goal which is Separation of Muslim population from Russian Federation and China , also getting benefit of 60 billion Dollors from Afghanistan each years , and the Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah government did not have any power to tell you why you don’t arm Afghan army with modern Helicopters and fighter jets like f-16, your countries within 14 years didn’t build even one fundamental Beneficial project in Afghanistan , your country didn’t build ( Hydraulic Dumb of Badakhshan Kokcha — Kunarha Dumb – or any other big plont in Afghanistan , what do you mean by Strategic treaty between your countries and Afghanistan , your countries just cheating the two avanture leaders ( Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah ) , finally i wish the next president of USA and the rest of Europe countries leaders for God sake give Afghan people 15 billion Dollars direct to the Finance Ministry to start build three Electric Hydraulic Dumb and star the Canalisation  or ( sowering system of Kabul City ) , and reduce poverty and redundancy in Afghanistan .